Monday, April 11, 2016

MN Budget Battle

Thoughts on what should done with that extra $900,000,000 we have paid from our wallets and placed in the State coffers?

Star Trib GOP Takes First Steps
MPR Teachers Want More Money
KAAL What to Do With the Money
MN Budget Bites
Red Lake News
Prairie Busn News


  1. It appears Republicans want to spend most of it on roads and bridges, making the DFL scream that such does not match their "priorities." The DFL agrees roads and bridges should be top priority, but claim the money should come from a higher gas tax rather than from money the State has already collected and is just sitting there burning a whole in their collective pocket.

  2. Oh come now... You know how cranky the DFL folk get when they can not raise taxes on everyone... :-)

    And when they are actually expected to spend the money on real clear government responsibilities like infrastructure.
