Friday, April 29, 2016

Peace and Love. Not.

Those pro-peace anti-hate anti-Trump folks sure have a strange way of demonstrating their deep held beliefs...  Thoughts?

CNN Violence at Anti-Trump Rally


  1. Sure but the problem isn't just there. Would the military accept a Trump presidency? Would they, for example, turn over the nuclear codes to him?


  2. I am sure they will... They like to follow protocol.

  3. Let's talk about Trump Supporters....

    No, I am not going to talk about those crowds that attend Trump's rallies or vote for him in "winning" numbers in the primary process. I don't feel the need to psychoanalyze them as some sort of fool, groupie, racist or revolutionary. I think they have a righteous anger against the tyranny of political correctness, the corruption of our news media and of our government, and against the "stupidity" of the current administration's outrages and the Republican fecklessness at curbing it. Leave them be; they have the right message but a poor messenger.

    The supporters I am talking about are those who are angry just because they are ALWAYS angry at anyone who dares to speak the truth and makes no apologies for it. These are the PC Nazis and their tactics are straight out of the Leftist playbook. They riot, they shout down, they intimidate, they spout lies at every opportunity, and the media gives them extensive coverage and a head-pat. With every riot, though, sympathy and support for Trump goes UP. And in this odd campaign, the would-be powers that be in the GOP have the same problem. Every time some GOP "establishment" type makes some statement about "stopping Trump" or talking about what a problem he is, THAT adds to Trump's appeal as an "anti-establishment" candidate. A man can be known by the enemies he makes, perhaps even better than by his friends. If the GOP really wanted to stop Trump, they should shut up about him. Getting on the same side as the leftist rioters isn't a winning strategy; it just makes Trump stronger.

  4. It does fascinate me how fast the free speech, love everyone, show tolerance crowd has turned into the violent hateful stifle free speech crowd...

    So much for the Left's accepting and tolerant nature...

  5. I keep wondering... Whatever became of "writing a letter to your Congressman"? This notion that rioting in the streets draws positive support for your cause is stupid, isn't it? Do these folks have any clue, or are they just stoned out of their minds?

  6. It will be nice if they keep it up to the point where Trump and his supporters seem like the calm and rational victims of oppression... :-)

  7. Even better if Trump and his supporters really WERE calm and rational. Not that it matters to the crazies.

    I'm reminded of an old movie line, where a local is asked to explain the purpose of a local festival. After the standard repetition of the legend, he explains, "that's the story, but mostly it's just an excuse for a three-day boozer." That's all these demonstrations are, nuttiness and rage fueled by... whatever excuse they can find.
