Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I Can't Believe I Watched the Whole Thing

CNN VP Debate Fact Check

So what did you think?


  1. The most interesting thing I noted was the Kaine point that Trump did not support government because he may not have paid Federal Income taxes. It seems he thinks Trump should have paid more than he legally owed.

    Pence tried to ask Kaine if he pays extra or if he claims all his deductions, but of course Kaine ignored that.

    Kaine definitely was the "name caller" in this event.

  2. I caught about 20 minutes in the middle, and that was about all I could handle. I don't think either of them were particularly effective based on what I saw, although it seems the general impression is that Pence won (although that counts for essentially nothing in the larger picture).

  3. Yes, I liked how Pence handled himself.

  4. Mike Pence is a better debater than a governor, that's for sure.

  5. I don't get it... If it is such a slam dunk it should go through the courts quickly... Why are even bothering the Governor.

  6. Why would you force a person to go through a new trial when everyone knows he's innocent? Why waste everyone's time and money?

  7. Mike Pence Lied Constantly Last Night. So How Can He Be the Winner of the Debate?

    about Trump not paying taxes - I think bragging about how rich one is while also bragging about not paying any taxes reflects bad character. I expect better from a presidential candidate. Would you brag about such things? I would be embarrassed to present myself as such a freeloader.

  8. Sean, The "trial" should be pretty short. Something is funny about this story.

    Kaine made many claims in which he tried to take words out of context and then tried to apply some questionable intent. So yes it is easy to deny.

    Please remember that Trump tried to avoid this whole news story. Clinton and Kaine are the one's bringing it up.

  9. so Kaine mentioned Trump's views on nuclear weapons which sound very dangerous to me (Trumps views that is - and nuclear weapons) What do you think?

    What Trump actually said: In a March interview with The New York Times and subsequent Republican town hall on CNN, Trump suggested it would be good for Japan and South Korea to have nuclear weapons. “I think maybe it’s not so bad to have Japan — if Japan had that nuclear threat, I’m not sure that would be a bad thing for us,” Trump said. Trump stopped short of promoting nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia, but he did say it was inevitable and that the country needed to be able to defend itself.

    I think you are way too dismissive of things Trump says policy wise (dumb, dangerous and/or inconsistent policy.) You are also too dismissive of how offensive Trump has been to so many people and groups. Adding context to Trump's comments makes them no less dumb, dangerous or offensive.

    Last, in case you missed it- The Atlantic has endorsed a presidential candidate for only the third time in 150 years. It wasn't Trump

    Against Donald Trump

  10. the Atlantic endorsement is not long but to make it even easier to consider their opinion I will post the key paragraph here:

    "Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read."

  11. I do agree that I think it is very unlikely that he will become our next President.

    I am hoping the GOP holds the House and Senate for the good of America.

  12. I guess I don't disagree with Japan and South Korea having nuclear capabilities.

    Just like gun control, the bad guys will get the guns and threaten to use them no matter what. What is the point of South Korea and Japan not having nuclear weapons when North Korea, China, Russia, Pakistan and India do...

    Or do you like the USA to be the World Police force? I thought you wanted these other countries to stand on their own...

    How would it have worked out for the world if the USSR and China had nuclear weapons and the USA did not?

  13. Donald Trump argues that we should only extend protection to countries that have fulfilled their obligations to us. This is the way things work in the construction industry where people only work if they get paid. But is this the way our military works or should work? Should our decision to send our military service people in harm's way be dependent on whether a given country has paid their bills? Does this mean that our military obligations aren't based on our security interests, but rather are something that is bought and sold, effectively turning our soldiers into mercenaries?


  14. "Please remember that Trump tried to avoid this whole news story. Clinton and Kaine are the one's bringing it up."

    This is a fascinating defense. Please tell me more about how candidates should only have to talk about those things they wish to talk about.

  15. "What is the point of South Korea and Japan not having nuclear weapons when North Korea, China, Russia, Pakistan and India do..."

    The more countries that have them, the more likely they are to be used. That's not a complicated concept.

  16. "Does this mean that our military obligations aren't based on our security interests, but rather are something that is bought and sold, effectively turning our soldiers into mercenaries?"

    Yeah, that's effectively what he's saying. If Putin outbids Ukraine, will Trump look the other way if Russia marches on Kiev? Who knows?

    And, of course, it turns a treaty that we've signed into just another negotiations. (It should be pointed out, of course, that the only time NATO's "mutual defense" clause has ever been activated in NATO's nearly 70-year history was when we were attacked on 9/11. Every single NATO country sent troops to assist in the invasion and/or subsequent occupation of Afghanistan.)

  17. Sean,
    I was responding to Laurie's comment. "I think bragging about how rich one is while also bragging about not paying any taxes reflects bad character"

    My point is that he is simply addressing a topic that was thrust upon him.

    Same point Pence made... Who here willingly pays more income tax than they are required to. Let them cast the first stone...

    If you want to be angry at anyone... Be angry at the career politicians who created our current tax code.

  18. "If you want to be angry at anyone... Be angry at the career politicians who created our current tax code."

    And people like Donald Trump and Mike Pence who want to give even bigger tax benefits to the wealthy!

  19. Now I think the Liberals here need to become a bit more internally consistent.

    Usually Liberals want:
    - the USA to spend less on the military and more on domestic programs
    - the USA to not act as the world police
    - the USA to ignore those in other countries who are being tortured by brutal dictators or religious zealots.

    Now you are saying that Trump is wrong to:
    - enable our allies to defend themselves via nuclear deterrence.
    - have our allies pay for the benefits they receive by our maintaining a military presence in their country / region

    Now this is not Black or White, and there are various factors at play. There may be national defense reasons for us having 25,000 soldiers in South Korea for 60+ years. That does not mean that we should be footing the total bill while Samsung, LG and Hyundai take our jobs...

  20. Sean,
    Do you really think that Trump should pay income tax on business losses?

  21. Well it looks like South Korea is footing a sizable chunk of the bill.

    Does this make us mercenaries?

    And we sell a huge amount of weapons to allies...

    Does that make us an evil arms dealer?

    Or is just the logical method to share the costs of keeping ourselves and our allies safe?

  22. "Do you really think that Trump should pay income tax on business losses?"

    I think the provision that allows real-estate developers to count losses actually incurred by their financiers towards their own taxes should be reformed.

    I would also suggest that if income averaging is good for businesses, it's good for regular people as well. Families that have large fluctuations in income from one year to the next tend to pay more in taxes than those who have less variation in income, and this is particularly true the lower on the economic scale you go. There are policies you could implement here that would help average people quite a bit. One example: you could use average income for calculating the EITC. This would smooth the "cliff" that people face when they make enough income to no longer qualify for it.

  23. "Or is just the logical method to share the costs of keeping ourselves and our allies safe?"

    No one is opposed to cost-sharing among our allies. What we are objecting to is Trump's assertions that whether or not we will live up to our treaty obligations to defend our allies is based on how current their account is -- as Trump most definitely said as it relates to the Baltic states. Note that your own link points out how these states are fearful of Russian aggression, and Trump has essentially hung a flashing "Invade Here" sign over them.

  24. "Now you are saying that Trump is wrong to:
    - enable our allies to defend themselves via nuclear deterrence."

    Yes, exactly. Because it sets off new levels of tension across the globe.

    How do you think China would react if Taiwan started a nuclear program? If the Saudis have nukes, what hope is there of holding the Iranians to the nuclear deal? Any chance of a deal with North Korea goes out the window if the South Koreans have the bomb. What if Ukraine still had nukes? How would Putin react if the Baltics or Poland started a nuclear program?

    Your gun control example is instructive. The more people that have guns, the more people get shot.

  25. Businesses usually manage income by deciding when to incur / pay expenses and incur gains / sell things. Not sure people getting EITC have that flexibility, knowledge or have accountants to weigh the costs / benefits.

    Let's remember that "treaty obligations" include those of all parties. If the other members are not keeping up their funding end, then the treaty is somewhat in default already.

    Good question, how would North Korea react if the USA sold Japan / South Korea 3 missiles with nuclear war heads on them?

    How would Russia react if the USA sold Poland 10 missiles with Nuclear warheads?

    Please remember that keeping the bad guys from having nuclear bombs has failed... North Korea is there and Iran will be there soon thanks to the treaty.

    Now if you are in a dark ally and the bad guys have guns, do you think it will go better if the good guys are defenseless or armed?

  26. How do you envision getting China and Russia to bring North Korea and Iran under control?

    Or do we just pull back inside our borders, cut our military and let the rest of the world fend for itself like many Democrats seem to want?

  27. "Iran will be there soon thanks to the treaty."

    Please detail specifically how the Iran agreement makes it easier for them to reach a bomb than without it.

  28. "Let's remember that "treaty obligations" include those of all parties. If the other members are not keeping up their funding end, then the treaty is somewhat in default already."

    The 2% guideline is not part of the treaty -- there is no legal requirement for countries to be at that figure.

  29. "Businesses usually manage income by deciding when to incur / pay expenses and incur gains / sell things. Not sure people getting EITC have that flexibility, knowledge or have accountants to weigh the costs / benefits."

    No one is suggesting that they have to manage it. Just that we allow them to benefit from it if it helps them based on their circumstances.

    Over 90 percent of returns are filed electronically now, which means most folks are using software to calculate their taxes. As such, they wouldn't have to necessarily know anything to take advantage of it either -- just let the program calc it.

  30. "Now if you are in a dark ally and the bad guys have guns, do you think it will go better if the good guys are defenseless or armed?"

    We've got treaties with the good guys, so we're always walking with them and we've got bigger, better, and more guns than the bad guys.

  31. "Just that we allow them to benefit from it if it helps them based on their circumstances."

    Here's an example. 2 single men who earn a combined $21,000 each over two years. The first man earns $10,500 in each of the two years. That gets him an EITC of about $330 in each year, for a total of $660. The second man earns $5,000 in the first year and $16,000 in the second year. In year one, he gets an EITC of roughly $385, but in year two, his income is too high (the threshold is just under $15,000) and he gets nothing. If we let him average his income for the two years, we let him take the difference between $660 and $385 as a credit ($275) in year 2. Doing so reduces the cliff he faces for earning more money in the second year.

  32. Sean,
    Iran now has access to tons of money that they did not prior to the treaty. What do you think they will use that on? And even if they miraculously keep their word and slow the development of their nuclear capabilities as they promised, they can start hoarding cash and or use it for the development of drones, delivery systems, etc. And or with that mountain of cash it will be pretty easy to buy weapons from North Korea. Now I do not have a better idea other than making sure everyone has a "gun"... But denying that the treaty does not help Iran is silly.

    It sure seems that their is a strong expectation that the members are to be at 2%. Or are you okay with American Tax Payers subsidizing the protection of the other NATO members. I thought folks on the Left are tired of the USA playing "World Cop".

    These are people that are so academically challenged that they can not get a job that pays $5 per hour. (ie $10,000 / year) And you think they can use a computer and tax software? I am fine with letting the low income folks average their income, but I think it will fail to accomplish much.

    Yes Trump has made comments and errors that he has stopped making. I am sure we will be seeing ads where Clinton said one thing and then later changed her mind. Are you looking forward to negative ads and debates like Clinton/Kaine are trying to drive? I sure am not.

    I am not sure why Clinton and Kaine are taking the low road? Maybe they think their policy ideas are really really unpopular...

  33. you are such a Trump apologist. Maybe you should join th Thinking Republicans’ assault on Trump instead.

    How can anyone not point out how dangerously unqualified a candidate Trump is. To me it is sort of a national emergency (in slow motion as we still have 5 weeks to go.)
    But you go ahead and keep promoting your false equivalency, I find your resistance to condemning Trump interesting.

  34. So are you denying that Clinton / Kaine have launched into full smear campaign mode?

    I mean Hillary went back ~46 years during the debate to go after some apartment leasing issue. Then bringing up the Miss Universe topic.

    One would think they would have enough to work with while staying in the last decade... And better yet within the last year.

  35. Here are some interesting Lists. I do find it interesting that the Police and Border Patrol people support Trump. My guess is that they would like some support.

    Of course there is no doubt why the NEA supports Hillary. They really do not want any competition or accountability measures.

    Trump Endorsements

    Clinton Endorsements

  36. "But denying that the treaty does not help Iran is silly."

    You do have to give something to get something. Prior to the accords, Iran was 2-3 months away from having a bomb if they wanted. Now, they are under serious restrictions:

    * 98% of their enriched uranium has been taken out of the country, and what is left is not weapons-grade. Iran has agreed to maintain this level of enriched uranium for 15 years.
    * The number of centrifuges Iran has will be reduced by over two-thirds are they are only capable of producing civilian use uranium
    * The IAEA has the ability to inspect all declared and undeclared sites in Iran

    We have moved Iran a decade or more out from having a bomb as opposed to a few months -- without firing a single shot or losing an American life.

  37. "So are you denying that Clinton / Kaine have launched into full smear campaign mode?"

    It ain't a "smear" if it's true.

    (And where are you holding the Trump campaign to that same "last decade" standard?)

  38. US News Viewpoint on the Deal

    I think most of the concerns raised about Clinton have occurred in the last 10 years... The main one I heard that exceeded that was Bill's affairs and how Hillary blamed the women.

    Oh come now... Clinton and Kaine both are taking snippets out of context and applying all kinds of negative intent about them. Truth does not matter to them, only winning does.

  39. "Truth does not matter to them, only winning does."

    As you're so fond of saying, both candidates are guilty of this.


  40. It's certainly true that the Iran deal doesn't solve all the problems with that country, just as a nuclear arms deals with the USSR didn't solve all the problems with them, either. But we took those deals as a step forward with them on a critical issue.

  41. "Truth does not matter to them, only winning does."

    But you're backing the guy who spent years claiming the President was born in Kenya. Got it.

  42. Sean and Joel,
    First I am not supporting Trump.
    Second I am not supporting Clinton.

    I am just noting that if you need to compare Clinton's bad behaviors to Trump's bad behaviors, your candidate is officially in the mud with the pigs.

    I guess that makes sense since I see both of them as equally questionable of character. Just in different ways, one is a big mouth who is somewhat of a self centered child and the other is a conniving power hungry scheming individual. Mostly it is just policy and personality types that separate them.

    I still have 4+ weeks to decide which is the lesser of the 2 evils.

  43. Sean,
    Only time will tell if the Iran deal worked or failed. I certainly think it is pre-mature to praise it as a great step forward.

    An Interesting Analysis

  44. so what do you think of your guy Trump today? let me guess - b-b-but Bill is the same or worse.

  45. From my recent comment...

    "First I am not supporting Trump.
    Second I am not supporting Clinton.

    One is a big mouth who is somewhat of a self centered child and the other is a conniving power hungry scheming individual."

    As for a rich powerful person bragging about their sway over the opposite sex... It does not surprise me in the least, the question is what are the Religious folks going to say about this?

    I am heading West, this weekend... It will be interesting to see...

  46. about the "conniving power hungry scheming individual." did you really want to say bitch? That's a word used by many people who hate Hillary. You sound less sexist when you focus on her ideology, that is completed different than yours, and how you believe her policies would be bad for the country.

    I am just having a little fun with you. I really don't think your misogynistic, but probably are a little sexist, like most men. I could give you some links about this, but if I do it will be later. I am leaving for the gopher game soon. "We hate Iowa" as the students chant at every game.

  47. Laurie,
    I truly do not care that Hillary is a woman.

    To me she is simply a status quo politician with bad policy proposals who works to mislead the public and proactively worked to hide public information from the people charged with maintaining the data and keeping it safe.

    On top of that she seems to attack the women that her husband had trysts with rather than blaming him and holding him accountable. She seems to have a long history of doing this and it seems to show her true view regarding where women fit in the hierarchy.

    She reminds me so much of the Claire Underwood from House of Cards.

  48. I realize it would be a colossal waste of time to try to convince you that Hillary has good character, so I am not going to try. I think I spent many months and about 100 links trying to persuade you of Trump's bad character and unfitness for for the presidency. If you keep making the false equivalency that Hillary and Trump are equally bad I will just take another break from your blog.

  49. I think I gave Trump a 4 and Hillary a 6. (I.e. Not equal)

  50. is that how you still see it? Hillary is slightly better than Trump?

    It will be very interesting watching the debate tonight. I expected Trump to be his usual unhinged, unprepared, unfocused self, while Hillary will be her usual self, well-prepared and very composed.
