Monday, January 9, 2017

Kids are Expensive

I knew there was a reason I still work so HARD... $233K per kid... + College...
CNN Money Cost of Children

And they have a interesting video there. Income Inequality: Hunger Down the Block From Wealth.

The touching point was when the Mother said "her goals was to break the cycle of poverty..." Even though she had 4 children...  I don't think she thought that one through.  Thoughts?

How would you help her attain that goal?


  1. It seems promising based on this short blurb.

  2. I like to say, the two things Americans do that generate the bulk of government expenditures is that they have kids and they grow old. The government isn't at fault for either, and I strongly support both.

    I was pretty shocked yesterday at the way the activity of having kids was disparaged. I am a pro choice person, and one of the choices I strongly support is the choice to have kids. Kids are amazing; they are great. Each and everyone of them has limitless potential. While I would never for a moment think of inflicting my pro kid bias on any given woman, for women who do choose to have children, I believe in supporting that choice in every reasonable way possible.


  3. Hiram,
    From my opinion, no one is disparaging having kids. I have 3 daughters and love kids.

    The challenge is that making a baby is the easy and fun part...

    The question is are the Baby Makers up to the challenge of being self sacrificing, mature, patient, consistent, hard working, firm, loving, capable, financially stable, nurturing, coaching, etc Parents who can help that little baby unlock their limitless potential?

    Unfortunately we have quite a few baby makers in the USA who are not. They are in essence dependent children themselves, and this leads to that wonderful potential being wasted and the child being trapped in a world of crime and/or generational poverty.

    So we either need to find a way to make those Baby makers into Parents quickly... And/or we need to find a way to decrease the number of baby's born to these Baby Makers, who can not fulfill the basic Parental roles and responsibilities.

  4. Now wait a minute. She HAS 4 kids and wants to break the cycle of poverty for them? And your one thought is that she is not thinking "right" by your lights? Shame!

    So you have three daughters and love kids. Well, aren't you special. :-/ You don't think other people-- "Baby makers" is your derisive term-- do NOT love their children? OK, we need to "find a way," fine, but how about doing something about the ways we have already found? The problem isn't knowing what to do, the problem is to get people and especially politicians to actually do it.

  5. The question is are the Baby Makers up to the challenge of being self sacrificing, mature, patient, consistent, hard working, firm, loving, capable, financially stable, nurturing, coaching, etc Parents who can help that little baby unlock their limitless potential?

    I think raising kids is tough and challenging for everybody. That's why I think people who have kids need to be supported and encouraged.


  6. Do you think a single woman choosing to have 4 children is a good technique for breaking the cycle of generational poverty?

    Many toddlers love babies, that does not mean that they are in any way prepared to responsibly care for and raise them.

    I am certain that many of these Baby Makers love their children and want to care for them. I mean Angel Adams loves children so much that she just keeps making them.

    Remember one of our favorite sayings... "The Path to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions."

  7. Do you think punishing the woman who already has 4 children, loves them and wants the best for them should be punished because they do not meet your definition of "responsible"? How about accepting that love and good intentions, and helping her to make something good of them?

  8. Please continue...
    - She is already receiving government assistance?
    - What else do you want to do to help her? Who does physically does this / funds it?
    - What do you want to do if she gets pregnant again? (how many times are okay?)

    I know some of your answers:
    - Give vouchers so kids can go to different school.
    - Make her name Fathers to get benefits.
    - Spend money to have someone pursue child support from father.
    - Have someone coach her to get her job that can support 4 kids.
    - Other?

    Please remember that most of the programs supported by the Liberals are aimed at helping this Mother and the millions like her. And yet you fight expanding and funding them.

  9. By the way, you remember that a significant amount of my charitable contributions go to United Way, PRISM and my Church. All folks who aim to help folks like her.

    So how exactly am I proposing to punish her?

  10. You are confusing me. You don't want to help her get good educations for her kids, to break the cycle of poverty. You don't want to encourage two parent families by requiring fathers to support their children. You don't want to actually HELP this woman out of her poverty. You want to: undergo forced sterilization or, give her kids up to foster care/adoption (assuming millions of willing couples).

    And you think we should not cut government welfare, but yet you believe giving to your church can solve the problem? Which is it?

  11. A huge portion of my taxes goes to support other people's children. I have never for a moment begrudged the investment in our future.


  12. You know my view on vouchers... They have definite pros / cons.

    I am happy to go after the Father for child support, but it is going to be expensive and many of the Fathers are as broke as the Mothers. If you are willing fund all of that legal activity... Sounds good as long as you accept that it may cost more than it brings in.

    And if the woman does not want the Father in her life or on the birth certificate, and is unwilling to name them... Are you ready to follow through with punishing her child by withholding money for housing / food?

    Please remember that I have no proposal that removes her current children from her...

    I am still waiting for your answers.

    Please continue...
    - She is already receiving government assistance?
    - What else do you want to do to help her? Who physically does this / funds it?
    - What do you want to do if she gets pregnant again? (how many times are okay?)

  13. "I am happy to go after the Father for child support"
    First of all, it is the right thing to do, and its greatest value is not monetary, it is the deterrent effect-- the stick-- and the incentive to create two-parent families-- the carrot-- rolled into one. Again, this is the right thing to do for the majority of folks (over time, of course) and NOT doing it because some few may be offended at being offered carrots and sticks is just prolonging the unacceptable status quo. For those few, however, some coercion may be necessary, including finding them "ineligible" for aid-- something the current system does a LOT, for all the wrong reasons. "If you want the money, you'll follow the rules."

    Look back, I believe I have answered your questions. If not, you will need to clarify the questions. My intent is a holistic approach that has government spending what is necessary and ONLY what is necessary to rapidly move each individual out of dependence towards self-sufficiency and full realization of their human potential.

  14. Here is one case in which your opinion does not count. YOU believe your questions are "specific and unanswered." I do not. How do you propose to hold me responsible for your failure to make clear your questions?
