So given all of the information in the latest NBC / WSJ poll, what detail does Trump decide to tweet about?
And somehow he avoids noting all the other really interesting stuff. Well at least he acknowledged the validity of the poll... :-) Here is an interesting piece regarding egocentric "abilities". Life must be much simpler for them... If you don't like it - Just create an alternate version.
And somehow he avoids noting all the other really interesting stuff. Well at least he acknowledged the validity of the poll... :-) Here is an interesting piece regarding egocentric "abilities". Life must be much simpler for them... If you don't like it - Just create an alternate version.
Here is a graphic I found interesting
ReplyDeleteJust How Abnormal Is the Trump Presidency? Rating 20 Events
so how do you your guy, Trump, these days? Still proud to have voted for him?
Well on the upside, my vote did not matter because Clinton won MN...
ReplyDeleteAs for would I do it again... Probably, unless I had been certain that the GOP was going to win the House and Senate...
Sorry but Hillary went far Left. Trump may be obnoxious, self centered, dishonest, etc, but at least he seems to support putting our Federal bureaucracy on a major diet. And remember that I am all for Saving the Frogs.
The day will come when even you will say it would have been better if Hillary had won, I just don't know how fast the Trump disaster will proceed. Also, the dems were rated as no chance of winning the house this past election.
ReplyDeleteHopefully not, for all of our sakes...Please remember that cutting taxes, government bureaucracy and handouts is fine with me.
ReplyDeleteAnd a somewhat more Conservative justice system in fine too, though it may limit some personal freedoms which would not be ideal.
I wish you would comment on the "Dems are in trouble" post... The GOP and Trump are giving the Dems a good chance in 2018, and yet the Dems are in disarray...
As a rule I don't acknowledge validity of polls, just as I don't acknowledge the validity of a rock I step over on the street. Polls are simply polls. They are the start of a discussion rather than the conclusion. And no one can say with any definitiveness at all what they mean.
ReplyDeleteLots of people, when asked "Is Trump truthful?" will answer yes. But if you asked, "If your life depended on the answer, would you rely on Donald Trump to tell the truth about electoral college poll numbers?", few of the folks who say Trump is truthful, would answer yes.
Polls never tell us anything about the questions polled. The question of whether Trump is truthful is totally unrelated to how he polls. Instead, and at best, polls tell us something about the always diminishing number of people who respond to them. When someone says they think someone is truthful, who they obviously know is a liar, what does that say about the person answering the question?
Trump continues with his delusional view...
ReplyDeleteCNN Trump Self Grading
Moved Sean's comment to Dems in Trouble and answered there.