Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Who Is Listening?

Sometimes it feels like there are only 3 or 4 of us checking out Give2Attain since those are the folks who add to the conversation.  But the reality is that G2A is viewed hundreds of times a day by people from all over the country and some Russian hackers...My friends at Google may not pay me anything for our content, but they do provide an excellent, secure and free platform for posting it on !!!

Keep up the great discussion !!!  And if you have been hesitant to join the conversation, please give it a try. All I ask is that you be polite and professional, and that sign you anonymous comments with some name.  This help myself and the other commenters to tie your thoughts and comments together.

And if you want G2A to address some question or issue that you are curious about.  Just leave a link and your thoughts like Laurie does sometimes...  Then I will create a new post and see if we can get some responses for you. 

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