Thursday, May 4, 2017

A Guilty Liberals Prayer

Now here is a link theat Laurie will probably like.  Ben Corey Prayer Wish  It showed up on a Liberal friends Facebook and needless to say we disagree.
"I read the whole thing... But it was painful,,, It does amaze me how some people choose to carry guilt for things that were done centuries before they were born. I think someone should buy him a book called The Present by Spencer Johnson...The Present" G2A 
"I agree that the oppression continues, that is why the USA who the writer thinks is normal sends troops and aid all around the world to help people of all faiths... This "not special" country drove the Taliban back so Muslim girls can go to school, and eliminated a violent dictator so the people of Iraq had free choice. This "not special" country provides nearly a trillion dollars per year plus even more in free education to help it's unfortunate citizens strive to escape their current reality. And yet some folks want to focus on the things that did not go right. Someday I hope they can start looking at how full the cup is and start to find peace." G2A


  1. Just my usual observations: 1- "It takes two sides to make a peace but only one side to make a war." 2- Jesus tells us to "turn the other cheek." It does not say what should happen after that. 3- We're the most generous people in the world, but we make mistakes, and we sometimes let our compassion cloud our wiser judgment.

  2. When people talk about "special" ness, after I get past the apparent Church Lady reference, I wonder three things. How is something special? Should one want to be "special"? And are the "special" allowed to do things or not do things that the unspecial are allowed or not allowed to do.

    A related idea is exceptionalism. When something is exceptional, to what is it an exception?


  3. You know my answer... With great power comes great responsibility...

    G2A Protector of the Small

    The USA could pull back to our borders and let the powerful oligarchs, dictators and criminals enslave whole populations. We are special because instead we choose to try to help other humans.

    And yes sometimes things go poorly. That does happen sometimes when one tries to help.

  4. Of course the irony is that Ben would have apparently had us stay home while innocents were being raped, tortured, killed, poisoned, trained as terrorists, etc...

    "Forgive us for the upwards of 4 million Muslims we have killed through our wars and policies over the last two decades, and for the fact this number is still not high enough for many of our fellow Christians." Ben Corey

  5. With great power comes great responsibility...

    So I guess the answer is yes, special people are allowed to do things we wouldn't allow non spectial people to do.

    I take it we aren't special because of any sort of merit, we are special because we have power.


  6. Reminds me of the Melian dialogue: "Issues of right and wrong pertain only between equal. the strong do what they want, and the weak suffer what they must."


  7. Hiram,
    Please continue to look down on the efforts of the Americans who came before us and strove to build this wealthy, powerful and special county that now volunteers as the world's police force.

    Do Liberals really enjoy focusing on the glass half empty view?

  8. It would be an interesting "Wonderful Life" exercise...

    I wonder what the world would look like if the USA did not exist???

    Or if we had just fortified our borders and stayed home???
