Thursday, July 20, 2017

Judge Rules Against Dayton Veto

Briana does a good job of detailing this topic.  MP Judge Rules

Personally I think it is the silliest thing Dayton has done.  Next year we will hear that the GOP legislature has defunded the Courts and the Governor. :-)


  1. I don't understand the strategy in defending the lawsuit. As far as I'm concerned, Dayton should have vetoed the entire bill and let the Revenue Department be defunded. He could have buried the Republicans for a generation.


  2. It seems the judge understood the reason for the lawsuit...

    Dayton exceeded his authority...

  3. "Dayton exceeded his authority..."

    As the article states, Dayton is correct that he has Constitutional Authority to zero out a line item in the budget.

    My point was that I think his Lawyer's strategy was not a good one.

    That said, if it is found that one branch can sue to be funded at a certain level, what is to keep the Executive or Judicial branch from suing the Legislature for not funding them to the level they desire?


  4. I am pretty sure Dayton could have vetoed the whole bill without generating a law suit. Instead he chose to try to have his cake and eat it too.

    The upside is that he tested another boundary and hopefully the boundary will soon be more clear.

  5. "I am pretty sure Dayton could have vetoed the whole bill without generating a law suit."

    Which would have defunded the Department of Revenue, in effect defunding the State. This one is squarely at the Republicans' feet.

