Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Grading Immigrants

I personally am fine with scoring immigrants and prioritizing the entry of the ones that will make America great...  And since there is no shortage of English speaking workers from most countries who would love to move there.  The CNN reporter was just being silly.

My thoughts from Beijing...


  1. Well I have made it back as far as the Seattle Airport, so here are some additional links...

    FOX Despite Uproar Proposal Similar to Other Countries

    It seems pretty clear to me that the current legal immigration system and illegal immigration leniency are very bad for our country's low knowledge / low skill workers. Liberals always say they want to force wages up for these folks and yet they strive to continue flood those markets with low cost foreign workers...

    I will never understand.

  2. And here is business view of the proposal.

    In summary, it seems they want to bring in a lot of foreign workers to support GDP growth instead of developing and encouraging our own citizens to get off their butts and get in a real job.

    I have no doubt that flooding the USA with low cost labor is a good thing for American businesses, the challenge is how to encourage our low income folks to grow into better jobs... Then we can automate more of the bottom tier work or let more immigrants in.

    It drives me crazy when employers say they can not find Americans to do certain work. How did our low income citizens become so entitled and fussy?

    And why don't those employers pay more and get creative to attract those people?

  3. And of WAPO is against it... Of course...

    WAPO Trump For Bill That Would Have Kept His Family Out

    Like the challenges we face in our highly competitive world are similar to those of 150 years ago...

  4. BI Coverage

    And I love this quote...

    "Graham said the legislation would primarily target immigrants who work in the state's agriculture, tourism, and service industries, and would even prompt greater amounts of illegal immigration.

    "Hotels, restaurants, golf courses and farmers will tell you this proposal — to cut legal immigration in half — would put their businesses in peril," he said in a statement. "After dealing with this issue for more than a decade, I know that when you restrict legal labor to employers it incentivizes cheating."

    Like these businesses couldn't afford to pay their employees better... Or provide better working conditions...

    And yet the Liberals will fight it because they seem fine with keeping their voters dependent on the government... And they want to invite all the world's poor into our country...

    And the Conservatives will fight it because they want to keep labor costs low...

  5. Probably just an aside, but I remember that a Chinese leader was visiting the US and our President was (diplomatically, of course) criticizing him for not allowing people to leave his country. The wily old Chinese simply replied, "How many Chinese you want? 1 million? 3 million?"
