Saturday, August 26, 2017

Trump Inconsistencies / Turnover

I think this is interesting.  CNN 3 Stories Hidden by Harvey

After promising to support the rights of LGBTQ citizens during the campaign, Trump chooses to ban transgender people from joining the military,  Even though thousands of them have served admirably in the past. How people see Trump as honest and/or reliable is beyond me.

After promising to be the law and order President, he chooses to pardon a Sheriff who knowingly violated the orders of a US District Judge. And important here is that apparently he did not have the Justice department review the situation. He just saw that a Politic Crony was in legal trouble and chose to pardon him.  This bodes poorly for the future. Why have a legal system if our President is going to ignore it?  And Conservative thought Obama acted like a Dictator...

And then there of course is the continuing incredible turnover in the White House.  So either the President is totally incompetent at interviewing and hiring, or he is nearly impossible to work with.


  1. Trump has no belief in or commitment to, a legal system. Throughout his career, he has shown that he thinks legal outcomes are something he can buy. He dismisses attorneys who give him legal opinions with which he disagrees. Despite a lifetime of litigiousness, he seems to display no knowledge of how the judicial system works.

    For many, this contempt tempered with indifference, is part of his appeal. Trump promised to sweep away legalities in order to do, well, I don't really know what, but that doesn't matter.I think the interesting question going forward is, will a president with contempt for the law feel an obligation to abide by it? For you slippery slope fans, if you take away the rule of law, what is the stopping point between now and a coup d'etat? Is it the phalanx of military officers with which he has surrounded himself?


  2. Since Trump makes no claim to consistency or even coherence, it seems a bit unfair to judge him using those standards. Above all, his presidency is an exercise in political cynicism an viewed from that perspective, our president is doing just great, as seen in his poll numbers.


  3. We're getting closer to the pee tape everyday.
