Monday, September 11, 2017

Does US Have a 3 Party Government Now?

Sorry I have not been posting and commenting, however I am out West helping Mom and Dad with some family business activities.  Which of course usually means I am working to do as Father says without losing it...  Some times I succeed and sometimes me and the dog go for a long walk. :-)

So what do people think of Trump working with the Democrats?
CNN Trump Breaking 2 Party System?


  1. No.

    1.) Trump will still need a party infrastructure in order to win re-election. He only has one viable option available to him there.

    2.) Trump and the Democrats are not in alignment ideologically. There's little room for them to cooperate further, unless one or both of them move off of their stated positions.

  2. I guess I have never seen Trump as "ideologically rigid".

    My guess is that if he can get cheers and adulation by working with the DEMs he will happily do it.

    As for a second term... I really don't know if he will bother running... His life was pretty good before all the POTUS stuff.

  3. "My guess is that if he can get cheers and adulation by working with the DEMs he will happily do it."

    The problem is he needs votes. With Republican majorities, working with Chuck and Nancy is only going to get him so far. And Chuck and Nancy have no reason to go out of their way to work with him -- they're only going to do so if they get exactly what they want out of it.
