Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Desperate Need for Political Center

Eric posted and interesting piece. MinnPost New poll shows our desperate need for a political center. Here is my first comment on it. (hopefully)
I agree with you totally though I have no idea how to get there.  I have been playing the Devil's Advocate to people on the Far Left and Far Right for almost 10 years now and it seems folks are pretty much right where they started or even further split. 
Depending on the day I am now attacked for being a socialist by those on the Far Right, or a Conservative by those on the Far Left. And I think what concerns me most that it seems the level of anger is growing.  On the upside people are passionate about their beliefs.  On the down side it seems they are seeing the folks with different beliefs as an "enemy".  
And with people so strongly invested in confirmation bias, and mostly communicating with those of like minds...  I have no idea how to bring this nation back together. I really am starting to miss the days when we watched the same national news and had to actually talk to a mix of people. 
Here was my attempt to try and understand what is center and what would make Americans happy.  Unfortunately it did not get too far. :-(
G2A What would make Americans Happy


  1. I am not a big center guy. Political center ists are people who believe in a magical land where it's always Christmas and never winter.


  2. Please explain. Normal distribution are usually normal.

    This binoculars thing...

  3. Why do you assert that it's a normal distribution? It seems pretty clear that it's not that anymore.

    And Black is wrong -- what we need is not "centrists", but people willing to compromise. Ted Kennedy, for instance, was very liberal, but he understood how to work across the aisle and forge compromise.

  4. Unfortunately I was at the dentist for my 6 month cleaning and I am a victim of auto spell correct. Last line should have read "this bi-modal thing"...

    As for why I bring up the normal distribution, it seems Hiram sees that normal state as magical.

  5. As my G2A Nolan diagram shows in numbers, I think the bimodal curve we are working with looks something like this.

    The good thing for those Right of Center is that a higher percent on the Left do not get out to vote.

  6. anyone who would call you a socialist is wack as your economic policy preferences are pretty radical or far right.

    I believe dems are generally more willing to compromise than our far right leaders, but they may become less willing to compromise as the progressive base has moved farther left in recent years.

  7. With Trump as our president there is even less hope for compromise.

    The man-child in the White House reels wildly out of control

  8. My economic policy preferences only look far right to you... :-)

    Remember that I am the one who was against the recent tax cuts...

    And I only want to reduce the total government spend by about 4% relative to GDP.

    I am not sure the left is any better than the Right when it comes to compromising.

  9. As for Trump, I thank heavens that I do not work for him !!!
