Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Governor Race and Lynx

I have nothing today...  Maybe it is the winter doldrums, or it just feels like politics lately is like the movie "Grounds Hog Day".

So here are 2 topics.  One for discussion and one for fun... :-)

I just don't know why Jeff Johnson is running again, he seems to have no charisma from what I have seen. MPR MN Governor Race

Our family's North Shack is up between Grand Marais and Tofte. I have been going there since I was born and have never run across or heard about Lynx up there...  Usually just Moose, Bears, Deer and Wolves. :-)  These pics are pretty cool.
MPR Lynx Pics


  1. As a good Republican, what's your take on Scott Walker's offer to Kimberly-Clark to save 600 jobs: a 17% tax credit on wages at the two plants affected -- for a company which had over $3B in profit in 2017 and just recently announced a $2B share buyback.

  2. I guess what the company profits are is pretty immaterial.

    The questions for the people of Wisconsin are:

    What does it cost or gain the people of Wisconsin if the company closes those facilities?

    What does it cost or gain the people of Wisconsin if with the deal the plants stay open?

    Side note: You don't want to encourage a State culture where companies that have no other better opportunities start threatening to leave.
