Monday, April 2, 2018

Trump's Latest Lies or Errors?

Maybe Trump would appear smarter and more qualified if he just stopped talking or tweeting unless someone else actually proofed his every word.  What worries me more is that Trump True Believers likely don't even realize how wrong he is...  Thoughts?

CNN No more DACA
CNN Trump Tweets / Words
Politifact: Trumps Newest Errors Lies
Roll Call: Fact Checking


  1. Trump supporters are nihilists. Is that one of the bad things liberals call conservatives? Nihilists? For conservatives with Trump it is not personal. They don't mind that he is despicable, in fact they sort of like it. They feel he is what our decadent society deserves.


  2. Trump uses words to create an effect, not to express meaning. I don't think even his strongest supporters believe what he says. It's his defense to lying really. Lying requires an intent to deceive. So many of Trump's statements are so obviously untrue that no reasonable person could be deceived by them, hence no intent to deceive, and therefore no lying.


  3. John, you've got the same old problem. Fact-check all you want, but Trump's statements are-- what shall we say-- thematically true. Immigrants DO come across expecting some sort of amnesty. Mexico DOES NOT discourage it. Trump DOES have leverage through NAFTA. The Senate Democrats DO block "sensible" legislation. Instead of trying to detect Trump's lies, Why not get on board with his INTENT? After all, every Democrat gets credit for good intentions, regardless of actual policy, why impugn Republican intentions when they espouse good policy?

  4. Do illegal immigrants really expect amnesty? Or do they expect if they maintain a low profile, they will be able to stay here an indefinite period of time, long enough perhaps for their citizen children to grow up and protect their interests?

    I don't know what Mexico encourages, but I know at the border, it's a lot easier to leave America and enter Mexico, than it is to leave Mexico and enter the United States.

    Bear in mind that only two people in elective office in Washington got there after losing the popular vote. Neither of them are Democrats. Democrats, all of whom did get more votes than their opponents don't have to apologize for doing their jobs or representing the plurality of people who elected them.

    When you are in the minority, good intentions are all you have. When Democrats are in power, they are judged on their record, not their intentions. And there is nothing wrong with that.


  5. Jerry,
    I am not impugning Republican intentions or even Trump's intentions. I am saying that Trump either seems like an idiot or a liar when he continually spouts/ tweets incorrect information.

    How can a person seriously respect either?

    Either he really is ignorant...

    Or he is lying to manipulate the mindless...

  6. Or he is simply telling an essential truth in a simple but provocative way. And calling him a liar or ignorant or a manipulator or unworthy of respect, and his supporters as "mindless" is about as impugning as you can get.

  7. Jerry,
    Even idiots and lying manipulators can have good intentions.

    I have no idea what Trump's intentions are because I can not trust what he says... That is why honesty and character matter...

    Without honesty and character, the Trump True Believers are just taking a leap of faith. The good news is that so far it has not been disastrous. Though I have been moving slowly out of stocks because of the high likelihood that it may.

  8. I have been thinking of the Soucheray response to liberals who advocate higher taxes, that if they feel that way, why not just send the government an extra check. That's silly, of course, because Soucheray confuses a policy with it's implementation. Just because I disagree with a rule doesn't mean I shouldn't follow it. But I have been thinking of this in the Amazon context. Trump thinks Amazon's shipping costs should be higher. I happen to be a good Amazon customer, and my shipping costs are zero. if I agreed with Trump on this, should I send the postal service a check every time I get an Amazon package for which I paid no shipping costs at all? I was wondering if Trump is prepared to provide some numbers for his proposal. How much would increasing Amazon's shipping costs lower my tax bill? More or less than the amount I would pay in increased Amazon shipping costs? Aren't these the numbers Trump should have before presenting his proposal?


  9. To give you some idea how different Rasmussen is.

    RCP Poll Summary

  10. Democrats I have talked to, think it's far more likely that Trump will be removed from office than he will lose the 2020 election.


  11. "Without honesty and character, the Trump True Believers..."

    Without acknowledging the log in one's own eye, why does one insist on poking someone else in theirs? Isn't "True Believers" just a nasty slur against millions of people that disagree with you?

  12. Not really as Trump said...

    "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody"

    I mean the man cheats on his wife, talks about forcefully grabbing women's pussies against their will, lies brazenly, bullies people and private business, etc... And yet the True Believers keep making excuses for his terrible behavior.

    I think True Believer seems about right.

    I am fine saying that he is a terrible man, and that I would vote for him again if the best the DEMs can offer is a Liberal candidate with a questionable past.

  13. So why assume that those who make the same rational assessment you did are somehow "true believers" blithely ignoring truth for some deplorable reason?

  14. "I am fine saying that he is a terrible man, and that I would vote for him again if the best the DEMs can offer is a Liberal candidate with a questionable past."

    OK, let's test that theory. Last month, the Washington Post's "The Fix" blog listed 23 possible Democratic candidates for 2020. Would you consider voting for any of them? Here they are:

    Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
    Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren
    Former VP Joe Biden
    California Senator Kamala Harris
    New Jersey Senator Cory Booker
    New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
    Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy
    Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe
    Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick
    Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown
    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
    Former Attorney General Eric Holder
    New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu
    TV star and entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey
    Montana Governor Steve Bullock
    Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro
    California Governor Jerry Brown
    Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper
    Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar
    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
    Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley
    Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz
    Illinois Representative Luis Gutierrez

    But I bet when push comes to shove, you'll talk yourself into voting for Trump again and then complain about all the other people who did it too.

  15. Can I play, too? I did consider everyone on that list, using a technique I often employ called a "forced choice matrix." None of them is better than Trump in my estimation. And, as a cross-check, I remember that any Republican is better than any Democrat, and I can prove it.

  16. Sean,
    Amy Klobuchar may be interesting depending on Far Left her platform goes. Overall I like and trust her.

    I call BS... Prove it...

    I do know that they are much more accomplished at raising the national debt...

  17. Sean,
    Do any of these folks come close the middle on govtrack?

    GovTrack Amy

    How about Donnelly for President?

    Or Tester

  18. Evaluate the Taxpayer League scorecard, and you will find out that the "worst" Republican is better than the "best" Democrat. Also, you will find 80-85 points difference between the means, so the best "bet" is a Republican, knowing nothing else.

    And before you even try quibbling with my "yardstick," don't.

  19. Why Donnelly and Tester, but not Heitkamp? (All of those three have bigger fish to fry at the moment than worrying about 2020, too.)

  20. Jerry,
    Now I realize you are fine with free loading and passing the bills to our kids... Where as you know I find that to be irresponsible and definitely not a measure of "better"...

    So is there anyone on the list that is termed moderate?
    Or are the DEMs going to have go Left to get the party's endorsement?

  21. "So is there anyone on the list that is termed moderate?"

    Depends how you're defining it. Biden is a mainstream Democrat who has generally been considered to be hawkish on foreign policy. McAuliffe has long been associated with the Clintons and their more moderate style. Cuomo is getting primaried from the left in New York. Landrieu has won statewide election in Louisiana twice as a Democrat. Bullock and Hickenlooper are generally considered moderates. And Klobuchar is middle-of-the-road and controversy-averse.

  22. Per govtrack, Amy seems to be middle of the road for a Democrat... I'll have to look closer as the field narrows up.

    Though I assume I will need to decide between someone far Left of me or somewhat Right of me... That chart on page 12 is becoming a BIG problem for our country.

    Maybe I'll vote depending where Congress is at the time. Anything to keep the politicians grid locked...

  23. "Now I realize you are fine with free loading and passing the bills to our kids... "


  24. Well you supported the major tax cuts that were passed without offsetting spending cuts... That is by definition "free loading and passing the bills to our kids".

    You deny that it has failed every time it has been tried in the past.

    If you have some proof that you support our generations paying for their own expenses, I would love to see it.

  25. I oppose federal deficit spending and want a balanced budget amendment. There is your proof.

  26. Well our buddy Trump signed a HUGE unpaid for tax cut... And I think you cheered him on the whole way. You may want to work harder on the oppose part. :-)

  27. Have you ever heard the saying "you can't always get what you want"? Your comment was that /I/ didn't want a balanced budget. That was a lie.

  28. The Liberals also want A LOT of things...

    That does not mean they want it bad enough to make the sacrifices needed to see it happen.

    Is that like someone saying they want a better paying job...

    While being unwilling to learn, work harder, change companies, etc?

    Would it be better if I said...

    "Now I realize you are willing to accept free loading and passing the bills to our kids...

  29. Not better in the least. You are still making negative and untrue assumptions about me, with no basis whatsoever. You are making me responsible when I have no authority, and in this case it is borderline silly, unless you intend slanderous. When I serve in the 62-seat Senate GOP majority, THEN you can object.

  30. Sorry... But I did not hear you complaining about the huge tax / revenue cut. More on this at the new post... :-)
