Sunday, July 15, 2018

Are Americans Happy?

Over at How Gullible are Trump True Believers, Sean and Hiram noted many of Trump's ethical, moral, behavioral, and other failings. Which I for the most part agree with.

However I made the point that most Americans will not care as long as Trump gets result and keeps them happy.  Which I think he is so far, to which Sean asked for a source.

Here are a couple good indicators.

Gallup Satisfaction with the USA


  1. Sean,
    So does your not commenting indicate that you agree now that most people are happy...

  2. No. There are plenty of counter data points, such as the President's approval ratings, that indicate the opposite. But I'm not really interested in engaging in a prolonged discussion on this point. November will tell us a lot about whether people are happy or not.

  3. President approval ratings don't measure "happiness"...

    They seem to measure Tribe membership...

    I am sure there are a lot of unhappy Tribe Conservative folks out there. (ie struggling) And happy Tribe Liberal folks. (ie doing great)
