Saturday, July 28, 2018

How Long Can China Keep a Lid On It?

Now I love travelling China because the cities are relatively clean, the taxi drivers are pretty honest, no tipping is expected and the people are great.  However this in part is due to China's incredible"Big Brother" monitoring and intervention.

CNN China Crimes Against Humanity
VOX Me Too in China
DB China Try to Scrub LGBT Content
CBS China's Behavior Monitoring
Honest Shanghai
Guardian China's Great Firewall

I mean if you don't quite fit in, follow the rules or disagree...  They may pick you up and deposit you into a "re-education center" for an extended stay.

All this leads me to wonder how well it is going to work for China to have a thriving middle class while stifling their freedom of Religion, Sexuality, Political Values and Human Expression in General.  As I said, overall I love travelling China, however physical security forces / cameras are everywhere and the internet is almost not functional at times due to the Great Firewall.

Overall I would say that my friends over there are ambivalent about the whole thing.

  • They feel their lives are pretty good overall
  • They conform to the norms, so no problem
  • There is nothing they can do, so focus on making money and enjoying live / family
So if the Chinese government keeps folks fed, housed and safe, it seems to me that their control will be tolerated and even supported indefinitely.  Even against the forces of religion and political correctness. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing...

One force that may challenge their old boy network is if this "Me Too" movement really does take hold...  I would assume some of the Communist Party power brokers have been aggressive with women before, now are they any women who will be willing to call them out?

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