Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Double Std? How to Behave Now

FOX News: Cal Thomas: Mark Penn was right about Trump, Hillary and double standards. Trump should respond by doing this

This is an interesting piece of pragmatic opinion writing.  Of course, Trump can not likely exercise the self control that the author recommends.  Which bodes poorly for the GOP  in November.


  1. I mean America loves a President who is Presidential, positive, etc.

    And yet here this goes back to whining and attacking.

    If he wants google to show more positive stories, he should start being a more positive person... :-) How does that go again... Karma is a bitch...

  2. I mean America loves a President who is Presidential, positive, etc.

    And yet here he goes back to whining and attacking.

    If he wants google to show more positive stories, he should start being a more positive person... :-) How does that go again... Karma is a bitch...

  3. What puzzles me is how does he plan to be a meaningful and respected President by focusing obsessively on his base, and poking a stick in the eye of everyone else?

    His approval / disapproval numbers have pretty much plateaued...
