I sure do like listening to Obama speak, he is an incredible orator. Though I am curious who he will be helping by becoming visible again?
Will he enrage the right get out and vote?
Will he get the left motivated to actually show up at the polls?
VOX Speech Transcript
Will he enrage the right get out and vote?
Will he get the left motivated to actually show up at the polls?
VOX Speech Transcript
Obama's impact will be to increase turnout by a much greater extent on the left compared to the right. Kind of like many more people get their news from CNN compared to American Greatness.
ReplyDeleteApparently Obama”s efforts in 2016 had little impact.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Trump would have won the popular vote if not for Obama's get out the vote.
ReplyDeleteAre there Republicans who will join Obama?
Maybe... Or maybe he can not influence people to vote when they are not that interested?
ReplyDeleteAnd he is going to need to get DEM voters out in Red and Purple States if DEMs want to make a difference.
As for...
"These Republicans put country above party in 2016 by trying to prevent a disastrous Trump presidency. Events have proved them prescient about the threats Trump poses to our democracy. So now it’s time to again put country before party to urge voting against Republicans in the midterms. Even if you think the GOP can be saved (I remain highly skeptical), it has to get wiped out in its current incarnation in order to rebuild.
Republicans willing to sacrifice policy objectives to shore up our democracy could send a powerful message to voters. They should get out there in the advance of the midterms. Obama could use the help."
I just don't see GOP voters voting DEM because Trump is an obnoxious liar... And imagine how the DEMs would try to over reach if they do have a big win...
The question I have is how are the DEMs going to stop their "socialist" wing from ruining this vote getting opportunity for them?
ReplyDeleteto accomplish anything in terms of policy the dems need a dem president, so over reach will not be an issue for the next 2 years, unless we are talking about investigating Trump, who is so corrupt the investigations would not be over reach.
ReplyDeletealso, Trump is guilty of more than being an obnoxious liar, though the level of his lying is really bad.
The GOP was stymied by Obama for 6 years, I guess turn about is fair play. :-)
ReplyDeleteIsn't grid lock sounding good about now... I knew there was a reason I like it when government gets nothing significant done.
Why has the GOP gotten so little done over the past 2 years? Is it because they have no ideas and don't care about policy or improving people's lives?
ReplyDeleteMaybe... But I think it mostly because they only have 51 votes in the Senate...
ReplyDeleteAnd the DEMs hold a tight control on their moderates who may want to vote with the GOPers...
Well that and those crazy Freedom Caucus folks that insist on Far Right policy...
It is too bad that the moderates of both parties are not allowed to compromise... Unfortunately it seems the Left and Right voters would prefer grid lock over compromise.
"I like this guy"
ReplyDeleteI can see why. Lots of talk, but no actual resistance to anything the President does.
"The question I have is how are the DEMs going to stop their "socialist" wing from ruining this vote getting opportunity for them?"
ReplyDeleteIt's not. Is someone in Moorhead not going to pull the level for Collin Peterson because they're worried about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? I doubt it.
"And imagine how the DEMs would try to over reach if they do have a big win..."
ReplyDeleteDems aren't going to be able to overreach if there's still a Republican Senate and White House. Go back to the scare tactic drawing board, bub.
ReplyDeleteHow would you recommend a person in congress to resist? Are the Democrats in the House failing to resist?
Well if the DEM party stands for the far Left Liberal agenda... And if they force every one to vote in line... How do expect for them to sway moderate votes to that Tribe? I may like the idea of blocking Trump at times, but I sure am not concerned enough with Trumps antic's to let enable further growth of the government bureaucracy. There is a reason the GOP is using Pelosi's scary face in all those ads.
Then apparently the GOP House did not over reach in 2010 thru 2016? I remember Liberals complaining about that crazy extreme Tea Party over and over.
"How would you recommend a person in congress to resist?"
ReplyDeleteIt depends who you are. A House Democrat has little practical power at the moment. Even a House Republican can't do much, unless they get other people to stay with them (as the Freedom Caucus has discovered). A Senate Democrat has some power if they work with others (legislative filibuster, plus procedural options that slow Senate business to a crawl). Currently, Senate Republicans have a lot of power (and they had immense power for the months where McCain was in hospice in Arizona) because of the nature of the body and the slim majority. Ben Sasse may wake up every day questioning his party, but he sure finds a way to vote with them all of the time.
"There is a reason the GOP is using Pelosi's scary face in all those ads."
Because she wants to bring back "paygo"? I can see how that would be scary to the craven Republican clowns in the House. Oh, by the way, "restoring paygo" is the exact opposite of "the far left Liberal agenda". So, again, go back to scare tactic store and try another one. And, why, exactly is Pelosi's face "scary"? Sexist much?
"Then apparently the GOP House did not over reach in 2010 thru 2016? I remember Liberals complaining about that crazy extreme Tea Party over and over."
Sure, the GOP attempted to do some stuff during 2010 to 2016, but they didn't actually overreach because nothing was accomplished. That didn't actually happen until the last two years.
He is Conservative, that does not mean he enables Trump and does not resist.Govtrack Sasse I am still not sure what you would expect from him.
ReplyDeleteShe helped to pass ACA, which incurred a lot of paygo... (ie part of that leftward pull) How about we try Cut&Pay.
Over reach... I thought they had accomplished anything except a tax cut...
"that does not mean he enables Trump and does not resist."
ReplyDeleteWhat has he done?
"I am still not sure what you would expect from him."
Earlier this year, Sasse voted against a bipartisan bill that would have given Congressional protection to the Special Counsel investigation. That would be something tangible.
"She helped to pass ACA, which incurred a lot of paygo."
You are a fraud.
Sasse Rationale
ReplyDeleteNow I can see the good / bad in ACA, but there is no question that it was / is EXPENSIVE for some tax payers and many insurance customers. I mean someone had to pay for the Medicaid expansion, insurance subsidies, marketplace expenses, etc.
Sasse hasn't tried to move his preferred language subsequently.
ReplyDeleteThe ACA may be expensive, but it was paid for. That's responsible (unlike Bush's Medicare Part D, for instance).
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that there is only one thing worse than ever increasing "PayGo"... And that is "BillItToMyKids". :-)
"And I agree that there is only one thing worse than ever increasing "PayGo"... And that is "BillItToMyKids"."
ReplyDeleteYet, you keep voting for the "BillItToMyKids" crew.
Good point... Probably because I keep naively believing that they will actually cut spending someday...