Sunday, September 30, 2018

Where is G2A (ie John)

Sean and Laurie have been busy calling me partisan again.  So I promised to re-visit my "world map". It is a simple tool called a Nolan diagram, and it may not be perfect however I think it is very useful.

Since I am for reducing the total cost of government (% of GDP) slightly, I am to the right of the vertical line. Whereas many of the Tea Party folks want to reduce that expenditure greatly. (ie privatized social security, medicare, etc) And the Liberals and Progressives want to increase that greatly. (ie universal healthcare, free college, etc)  So yes I see myself just Right of Center compared to all the citizens in the USA.

In the vertical direction, I am for less government rules in many areas. If I were King I would legalize physician assisted suicide, let Religious people say no to LGBT people, legalize prostitution, subsidize abortions until 14 weeks and long acting reversible contraception so poor women would be a s free as wealthy women, etc. Why many Democrats and Republicans want to tell others how to live their lives is beyond me.

I am not going to make it as an Anarchist or Libertarian because I am somewhat against making more drugs legal, I want to deport people who are in the country illegally and I want to stop irresponsible and incapable baby mamas and daddas from screwing up more generations of Americans. I guess I see all 3 of them as simply enforcing our countries current laws and/or protecting innocent Americans. (ie unlucky kids)

I added the PEW Polarization matrix to this version of the G2A Nolan Diagram.  And it seems to indicate that I am just left of the median Republican, which also seems about correct.

All of this probably explains why Liberals call me a Conservative...  And Conservatives call a Liberal...

Finally, yes I usually vote Republican. I don't like a lot of what they support, however they at least talk about constraining government spending and control in our lives.  Where as the Democrats only talk about more spending and government. I could happily vote for a Democratic politician if they were more fiscally moderate, unfortunately they do not seem to exist.  However I will be looking into Phillips and Klobuchar before I vote.


  1. "I could happily vote for a Democratic politician if they were more fiscally moderate, unfortunately they do not seem to exist."

    You're ignoring the history of the last 40 years.

  2. I do agree that the DEMs seem to be more fiscal responsible... They are happy to raise taxes as they raise government spending/control.

    ACA being an excellent example.
    - More government control
    - More gov't bureaucrats
    - More regulations
    - More government spend
    - More government taxes
    - Higher tax / GDP

    I am not sure I would consider that to be more fiscally moderate.

  3. Remember my simple goal...

    Government gets 1/3 of our GDP to use wisely and effectively.

    Us citizens get 2/3 of our GDP to use as we wish.

  4. Your goal is completely made up and not supported by any evidence as being optimal.

  5. As is every goal...

    Remember that to optimize, one must know all of the variables and the consequences...

    Giving 50% of our GDP to the government and entrusting them to provide us with healthcare, education, housing, a universal income, etc has far too much "free loader" and "non competitive risk" for my tastes.

    I prefer to keep personal choices and personal consequences as closely related as possible.

    Nothing good can come from robbing from Peter to pay for Paul's natural consequences.

    Well I guess it is good for the Pauls... They get to keep living stupid without paying the bill.

  6. When Paul Ryan took over as House Speaker (just after the end of FY2015), the national deficit was $439M. The projected deficit for FY2019 is $1.085B.

  7. That is what happens when both the parties agree to increase spending significantly after one of the parties choose to let citizens keep more of their money. :-)

    Here is an interesting analysis.

  8. Your own link shows the Trump Admin official saying that the tax cuts have only 2/3 paid for themselves.
