Monday, October 15, 2018

Economics of Childcare

MinnPost The vexing economics of child care in Minnesota, explained
"The issue has also been a thorny one for state legislators, who have passed reforms and cut regulations in response to scarcity of child care providers in Minnesota. (The number of in-home providers dropped nearly 30 percent between 2005 and 2014, according to a 2017legislative report.)"
You know that card game "Bull Shit"...  Well I call Bull Shit!!!
As many of you know I live in a home that is licensed for "In Home Daycare" and have since about 1992.   And over the last 8 years I have seen nothing but more filling out of forms, more repeated pointless training requirements, more check box exercises, more over the top safety requirements, etc.
I mean I am sure the intent is good (maybe), the liberal politicians and bureaucrats wanted to make all early child care facilities as safe, learning oriented, regimented and regulated as a public school.  Whereas many parent(s) just want a caring and safe place to put their kids while they are at work.
I mean just imagine this silliness...  If a Mom (or Dad) wants to stay home with his kid(s) and take in a couple of extra kids to help pay the bills...  Those couple of extra kids had better be siblings or they had better go through the full licensing process...  Yes people can only "baby sit" kids from 1 family in their home.  And we wonder why people are closing their homes to other kids and/or jacking up their prices...
I have the utmost respect for most old time In Home Daycare Providers, they were not necessarily perfect but they loved the kids they cared for, work absolutely crazy hours and overall did a good job.  And for that they made a pretty good living, and had very happy / loyal families coming to them.
Hopefully the government finds some more effective way to balance child safety and regulations...

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