Friday, November 2, 2018

Emotional Tribal Members

I am going deer hunting...  I will leave you with this excellent FB Image a friend of mine posted...  It is simply darling and oh so true...


  1. Your image is dumb because Obama is a highly regarded president and Trump is considered the worst president in history. That's not my opinion, that is the opinion of presidential historians.

  2. And yet the DEMs keep crying.😀

  3. I am sure the Christian Democrats whined a lot in Nazi Germany too.


  4. It is amazing how often DEMs refer to Nazi Germany. I suppose that is their “fear agenda’.

    Just as ruthless illegals are Trumps.

    Too bad both can not stop the drama and fear mongering.

  5. You are aware that the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich didn’t start with Kristallnacht, right? There is a reason what’s happening in this country is being compared to Nazi Germany.


  6. More differences than similarities...

    And some illegals are violent criminals like Trump says.

    Both are just scary stories

  7. “Both are just scary stories”

    Funny. That’s what the Germans thought.


  8. Another funny thing. THE Godwin of Godwin’s law agrees with the comparisons.



  9. It is amazing how often DEMs refer to Nazi Germany. I suppose that is their “fear agenda’.

    We think of it more. But I think the argument for complacency is where the analogy is most clearest. Don't worry we are told, Trump doesn't really mean it, he will pass. We will all survive. People who have a problem with millions of votes being thrown out are just "whiners". No set of arguments to my way of thinking are more chilling.


  10. We all survived 8 years of Obama. If we survived that Dark Age, we can certainly survive the Trump Renaissance.

  11. We all survived 8 years of Obama

    We didn't just survive, we prospered. It's Republicans who wreck the economy, not Democrats.


  12. Fortunately Trump is not a Republican.

  13. Laurie, you are correct. Obama is rated as the fifth best President.

    "Texas A&M Study Calls Obama 5th Best President in US History. Good research work by a fine institution!

    From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the fifth best.

    The A&M’s Public Relations Office released this statement “After almost six years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever.”

    These are the details according to Texas A&M:

    1. Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,
    2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,
    3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,
    4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and
    5. Obama came in fifth. "

  14. Who knows, maybe Trump will tie for 5th place.

  15. That's not how rankings work.


  16. Truth or Fiction

    BI Presidential Rankings

    The good news is that Trump has lots of room for improvement...

  17. Sorry, but on this one I believe what I want to believe. If I was to rank only Presidents in recent memory, I could easily get the same result.

  18. As is to be expected given your perspective. :-)
