Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Kick that Can Down the Road


  1. Politicians tend to do what they were elected to do. And bear in mind where the presidency is concerned the American people elected someone else.

    The wall just doesn't have political support, and that's why it isn't going to built. And what sense does it make to even start on the wall since it would barely get started before Trump leaves office?


  2. Just a reminder: Republicans currently hold the majority in both chambers and budget reconciliation hasn't been used in this FY, so they can pass whatever they want if they hold together. The problem here is that Republicans don't have consensus (most Congressional Republicans aren't going to die on the border wall hill).

  3. Apparently they need 60 votes for some reason...

    ""No, he won't have 60 votes over here," said Sen. Mike Enzi, a Wyoming Republican who's the chairman of the Budget Committee. "

  4. FOX Version

    Many times I really dislike Trump...

    But sometimes I enjoy his disrupting the world of these spineless procrastinating politicians...

  5. The the idiots in the House still only pass short term resolution.

  6. Um, it doesn't even look like there are 50 GOP votes for it in the Senate. So tell me again how it's the Democrats' fault?

  7. Sean,
    The DEMs took on the role of obstructionist when Trump took the Presidency.

    They have been saying no to the wall to poke a stick in his eye.

    That's fine... He has no problem fighting back.

    In fact he thrives on it, as do his core supporters.

    I hope they all find a way to work together soon.

    Or the government may be shutdown for awhile and more often than usual.

    It is a good thing I don't need much from the Feds...

  8. Donald Trump has passed on multiple Democratic offers of wall funding over the last two years.

    Well, he and his party chose to run on immigration in November, and Democrats kicked their asses from coast to coast and border to border. There's no reason for Democrats to give into an unpopular President who's flogging an unpopular issue, especially when the GOP could pass the damn thing on their own.

    The only thing Donald Trump has gotten right on this issue is when he told Chuck and Nancy two weeks ago that he was ready to take the blame for a shutdown, because he was the one who was going to do it. He proved that earlier this week, when he flip-flopped on a bipartisan compromise that would have prevented the showdown.

  9. I acknowledge your position, however I still think this is just a symptom of both Tribes preferring to attack each other no matter how many innocent bystanders are harmed in the cross fire.

    Well let the war rage... I just feel sorry for the moderate or disengaged bystanders... And thankfully I am not one of them...
