Saturday, January 26, 2019

Drag Queen Story Tellers

A gift from Laurie:
Here's a link that I found funny, maybe something John could spout off about not judging people by how they look.  When drag queens lead children’s story time, ‘a lot of hugs’ — and controversy — follow  I asked my husband if he would support this program at our local library and he is on the fence. I say why not.
Given my slightly libertarian tendencies, I am fine with it as long as the parents know what is coming....  If people want to try to explain this topic to their kids, more power to them.

Once I was waited on by a crabby old man with a poorly shaven face in a dress and high heels at the front desk of a hotel near San Francisco. It was interesting and memorable... Not traumatic in anyway.

Now I understand gay, lesbian and possibly even transsexual... They make sense to me.  Transvestites are still just odd to me.  I mean make up your mind and commit already... :-)

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