MinnPost We can’t sustain this’: special-ed shortfalls strain Minnesota districts as lawmakers struggle to find long-term solution
This is quite the mess, the Feds and Courts want to mandate expectations and compliance to these very high cost efforts to care for and teach these challenged and sometimes unfortunately unteachable kids. And yet the money simply is not being provided.
Here are some lists.
MN DOE Spec Ed
Spec Ed Types 1
Spec Ed Types 2
Spec Ed Types 3
This is quite the mess, the Feds and Courts want to mandate expectations and compliance to these very high cost efforts to care for and teach these challenged and sometimes unfortunately unteachable kids. And yet the money simply is not being provided.
Here are some lists.
MN DOE Spec Ed
Spec Ed Types 1
Spec Ed Types 2
Spec Ed Types 3
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