Wednesday, May 29, 2019

For All My ProLife Friends...


  1. What I hear a lot is that the purpose of sex is procreation, and any interference with that is a form of defiance of God's law. And for those folks, God's law should be the law of the land. The argument is quite straightforward.


  2. One of the Pro-Lifers posted a question regarding why it was illegal to kill sea turtles and not illegal to kill embryo's of humans...

    I provided a link to this site...

    Now if they believed in helping to raise the babies once they were delivered, then I could see them as truly valuing human life... Unfortunately they seem to only care about the baby until it is delivered. :-(

  3. I hate it's ok to do x why isn't it ok to do y arguments. The answer always is it's because x and y aren't the same.


  4. Seems to me that caring for babies is caring for babies.
