Friday, June 28, 2019

Democratic Debates

From Laurie...

"An article John may agree with...
NYT DEMs: Don't Drive Me Away"

Just by the title, I think I agree with her. :-)

I did not watch one minute of the debates...
Too many candidates, not worth my time...

Any thoughts from those who did watch?


  1. My current favorite is Michael Bennet as he is more moderate than most. I think the front runners pushing medicare for all are making a big mistake as that will not play well in the general election.

  2. The idea that Democrats should chase the support of people like David Brooks is absurd. These "Never Trumpers" had a chance to vote for a moderate Democrat in 2016, and almost all of them passed to vote for Evan McMullin or write in some clown who wasn't even running (like McCain or Kasich or Romney). Just like the proprietor here, they will tie themselves up in knots to avoid having to vote for a Democrat to be President.

    And if you're not willing to vote for the one candidate that can beat him, that effectively means that you're willing to accept four more years of Donald Trump.

  3. As for the debates themselves, count me in with the conventional wisdom that Harris and Warren stood out.

  4. I liked Harris and Warren too, especially Warren, but I have a hard time supporting them due to medicare for all. Most people will be against giving up their health insurance for a govt program. I am also not a big fan of free college for all. I prefer more modest proposals to cut down on student debt.

  5. A lot of Democrats are way too high maintenance.


  6. Realistically, you're not going to get M4A under Harris or Warren (and both of them, it should be pointed out, have sponsored bills that are less than M4A but improvements over the ACA), but if we give up a truly universal solution out of the gate, we're going to end up compromising ourselves into oblivion, just like we did with Obamacare. Same with affordable college -- we need to push the big idea first instead of taking things off the plate in advance.

  7. I think if dems campaign on medicare for all in the general they will lose. I know there is no way that policy would pass and wouldn't mind if it did. I just want to be sure we beat Trump because 4 more years of trump would be a huge, country destroying catastrophe.

  8. dems also need to be careful about being too far left on immigration:

  9. Laurie,
    I agree...

    How many people do DEMs want to welcome into our country every year?

    Everyone who gets to the border?

    How will they protect our low skilled / low knowledge workers?

    There are about 5 billion people who would be better off living in America...

    Do the liberals want to start a race for our borders?
