Saturday, August 24, 2019

1200 Studies: Fact or Conspiracy Theory

A distant cousin who is a chiropractor and health / wellness coach has published a document that challenges the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. WellnessDoc 1200 Studies  Initially I think he is just promoting conspiracy theories, however I will take some time to read some of his work.  I mean how could so many other highly reputable health organizations be wrong?

For more data from the main stream medical doctors.
Immunization Alliance
CDC Child immunization schedule
CDC Why metals are in vaccines?
McGill Should we worry about metal in vaccines?
Mayo Clinic Tough Questions about Childhood Vaccines
Children's Hospitals Immunization site
APA Paper

Here are some of my response on his FB page so far.

The challenge with people doing research, be it pharmaceutical companies or yourself is that both have a belief that biases their research. (confirmation bias) I fear that you are a "natural medicines" fan who is seeking to support your beliefs rather than to help keep families across America safe and healthy. And scaring young mothers and fathers certainly is concerning.

What are the folks who did this study missing?
Are they in the pocket of a pharmaceutical company?
"Concerns about vaccine safety have led some parents to decline recommended vaccination of their children, leading to the resurgence of diseases. Reassurance of vaccine safety remains critical for population health. This study systematically reviewed the literature on the safety of routine vaccines recommended for children in the United States. The study authors found evidence that some vaccines are associated with serious adverse events; however, these events are extremely rare and must be weighed against the protective benefits that vaccines provide." from one of the above sites :-)
And here are my interesting ethical questions:

  • If people fail to vaccinate their child(ren) for fear of a rare event. 
  • And other children suffer or die because of that choice. 
  • Did those parent(s) do the ethical thing?


  1. I think there is something to suggest that perhaps vaccinations should be spread out rather than all at once, and that some sort of "age appropriate" schedule be necessary-- that is, the same measles shot that is safe for a child of 30 pounds may be inappropriate for one of 15 pounds.

    And finally, I think too many of these studies follow the "correlation is causation" approach used for climate change.

    1. Jerry, those are very astute concerns you bring up. The vaccine doses are a one size fits all. And the number of doses children get by the age of 18 months today is 36. By the age of 18 children get 72 if they follow the CDC schedule. I don’t know how old you are Jerry, but I had eight doses of vaccines by the time I was 18 years of age. Do you mount of aluminum a potent neurotoxin in those first 36 doses of vaccines is 5280 micrograms, That is dozens of times more aluminum than the FDA permits in infant IV nutrition. Why the double standard for vaccines? Not only that but the blood brain barrier, which is the semi permeable blood vessels that protects the brain from toxins in the blood stream, is very immature and porous until at least two years of age and some scientist say until four years of age. So one of the huge problems is children today are given to many doses at two young of an age. Now can some children tolerate that? Yes. Can all children tolerate that? No. There is definitely a genetic predisposition toward the inability to handle the load of heavy metals and chemicals found in vaccines.

      In addition, vaccines have never been safety tested against saline placebos. They will use either another vaccine in the control group, or a solution with aluminum in it or other chemicals found in the vaccines themselves. This is an obvious attempt to mask the difference in adverse reactions between the vaccine group and a control group. And they are allowed to get away with it. You can read about what I’m saying in the vaccine package inserts and the published studies. In addition, safety studies are done typically for days rather than months or years like with most FDA regulated drugs. Vaccines are given a pass, because they are classified as Biologics and not pharmaceuticals.

      The number of vaccine injuries are much higher than reported. The passive reporting system called VAERS, has around 60,000 adverse reactions reported annually, and that number is climbing each year. A CDC funded study through Harvard pilgrim healthcare found that less than 1% of vaccine adverse reactions are even reported Doing the math, that means that as many as 6 million adverse reactions may actually occur annually. It’s all in my 1200 Studies e-book, referenced with links to the abstracts and the studies themselves. You can download it at And it’s free! I’m not doing this for the money, I’m doing it because I believe the information and the science needs to get out there. I am hoping that it will create an urgency for true independent and exhaustive overview of the entire vaccine model and industry. Sorry about the lengthy response.

  2. Jerry,
    Did you read any of links?

    Or are you just making things up as you go?

    Any proof that they do not change dosage as appropriate?

  3. I'm just thinking logically about the problem, if that is permitted. Looking at the CDC schedule, there is no mention of dosage related to weight, only age. The problem with lots of studies is the "correlation is causation" problem.

  4. Please expand on what you see as the C and C problem.

  5. I am referring to the Anti-Vaxxer contention that vaccines cause autism. I am guessing the correlation is pretty strong, but the research suggests no apparent causative link.

  6. Yes, that seems to be the case.

    Autism Science Foundation

    "A decade ago most researchers agreed that we needed to study vaccines in relation to autism. We had to reconcile the fact that the number of vaccines children were receiving was increasing, and at the same time, the number of children who were being diagnosed with autism also was on the rise. Fortunately this was a question that could be studied – and answered – by science. We looked at children who received vaccines and those who didn’t, or who received them on a different, slower schedule. There was no difference in their neurological outcomes. Multiple studies have been completed which investigated the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination in relation to autism. Researchers have also studied thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, to see if it had any relation to autism. The results of studies are very clear; the data show no relationship between vaccines and autism. Read the studies themselves below and browse our recommended reading list."

  7. So why would my cousin, a chiropractor from this local school be adamant that everyone else is wrong.

    He reminds me of you when that man made global warming topic comes up. :-)

  8. Who was it who said, "one person with the facts can demolish any theory." I have the facts, and they come from the EPA, IPCC, and NASA. You can believe any "theory" that you want, but the simple truth is this: if the climate models are correct, man-made CO2 is not a problem. If the climate models are wrong, man-made CO2 is not a problem.

  9. Yep. Alan and you have a lot in common. :-)

  10. Alan? You mean Turing? The guy who said if you can't tell whether what you are seeing is real or artificial, it's real? I just heard some politician today say "the Earth is on fire." Is that real, or artificial? I claim I can tell the difference. Can you?

  11. No... Cousin Alan… :-)

    The author of this conspiracy theory data document.

    1. This is the author of the conspiracy theory down a document as you call it. How much of my e-book 1200 Studies have you actually read John? I suggest you take as much time digging into my work as you do the public position papers put out there by the industry. Thousands of scientists and researchers publishing papers in medical and scientific journals representing 45 different medical and scientific disciplines can’t all be wrong. Check it out if you have an open mind. If your mind is closed, no one can help you then.

    2. I would love for the readers of your blog to have the opportunity to check my work. I have spent approximately 2,500 hours in the last 2 1/2 years of my life researching and compiling this information. The free download is available at And John, you sound like a very analytical, evidence based person. I’m the same way so we may be more alike than you might think. The one premise I adhere to however as I consider myself a healthy skeptic. And somebody who follows the evidence wherever it leads and then makes a decision based on looking at both sides of an issue. Do you adhere to those principles?

  12. Hi Alan,
    Sorry but I was moving "daughter 3" into the dorms this weekend, so I have not gotten a chance to dig in yet. Be assured that I will give it a try.

    Conspiracy Theory: "a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators"

    From my perspective, you have provided data that you believe proves that the CDC, Mayo Clinic, Pediatrician associations, and almost every other medical organization are promoting actions that are harmful to children.

    It seems to me that I am using the correct word...

    Just like Jerry thinks he has proof that NASA, NOAA and almost every other scientific organization is perpetuating fraud in their concerns regarding man made climate change. I have read all of his sources and found them lacking... :-)

    By the way, I am still waiting for your answer to my ethics question.

    And here are my interesting ethical questions:
    •If people fail to vaccinate their child(ren) for fear of a rare event.
    •And other children suffer or die because of that choice.
    •Did those parent(s) do the ethical thing?

    Remember that you made the argument that people with good nutrition, good healthcare, etc have little to fear from some of these viruses... But we know that viruses can't pick who gets them... :-(
