Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Stock Returns by President

Now that is interesting... Click to expand...


  1. Stocks perform better under Democrats because Democrats generally favor the interests of shareholders over those of management.


  2. Hiram,
    I am not sure that is correct... My guess is that it has more to do with luck and that a DEM President with a mixed Congress seems to be the most fiscally responsible combination...

    I mean we have seen that DEM only, GOP Only and a GOP President with a mixed Congress are often spend thrifts...

    Sadly I think Trump's curve is going to look as bad or worse than W. Bush's.

    Obama and Trump had a great run, but what goes up often comes down.

    I just added an S&P 500 graph to this post.

  3. I don't think Trump understands how stocks work. His companies have always been privately owned.

    Trump is a liar, and what that means is you can't assume what he says has any relation to what he thinks. That's something of a relief in the sense that what he says is often startlingly remote from reality. I was amazed, for example, about what he seemed to say about Amazon. Like a lot of businesses, transportation plays a huge role in Amazon's business. They have to move product from their warehouses or whatever to their customers. Trump seemed to have no understanding of what that entailed. Is it because he was a real estate guy, and real estate is generally something that doesn't move?


  4. I agree that he likely has know idea how development, manufacturing and delivery firms work...

    Mostly what he seems to understand is entertainment and manipulation.
