Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Slimy NC GOP Politicians

VOX NC GOP Politicians Vote While Others Mourn
AP GOP Holds Unplanned Vote
From Sean over at the End of Democracy
"If you want to talk about what's going to take down democracy, it ain't gonna be the debt. The original author had it right -- if it's going to happen, the unprecedented in recent history efforts by one party to shatter political norms and disenfranchise the other one is going to be the start of it. Just look at what has happened in North Carolina in the last year: a House election had to be tossed out because of Republican voter fraud, the Republican lame-duck Legislature (which only holds the majority because of gerrymandered map that has been found illegal by courts) voted to take power away from the incoming Democratic governor, and just yesterday voted to override a veto while Democrats attended a 9/11 memorial, breaking their promise to other lawmakers not to vote while that was happening. "
I thought this terribly disgusting non-democratic non-patriotic sleazy action deserved it's own post. I sure hope some court can over rule it.  Or that the voters toss the unscrupulous lot.

This comic may not quite fit, but it seems pretty accurate. I mean if you add the anti-choice and anti-LGBT+ crowd it would be nearly perfect.

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