Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Party Tonight in Minneapolis


  1. I watched some the speech on line...

    I am not sure who concerns me most...

    - Trump and the ease with which he misleads, insults others and obsesses about the past...

    - The people who are cheering as he is doing so... :-(

    I mean I hear no plan for the future... Just cynical, sad, etc comments and self obsession...

    Frey declares "Love Trump's Hate Day"

  2. Among other things, the stereotype of Minneapolis cop racism was reinforced. What could they have been thinking of?


  3. Let's see...

    We have the DEMs who want to prosecute officers for almost every shooting...

    And we have GOPers who want to only prosecute when there is adequate evidence...

    I can see why some of the cops like the GOP...

  4. We have the DEMs who want to prosecute officers for almost every shooting...

    Not me, certainly. I am a guy who defends cops. But cops need to help me out here. Don't openly associate with racist politicians. You notice St. Paul cops, who don't have the reputation for racism that the Minneapolis Police Department has, weren't anywhere near the Trump rally.


  5. I guess I don’t know if St Paul cops attended or not?

    How do you know?
