Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fact Checking Trump's Week


  1. This might be projection, but I don't believe Trump has any true believers at this point.


    1. Oh, he has plenty. I work with several and there's hundreds on Facebook.

  2. And remember the Trump Stages of Denial. :-)

    He didn't say that.
    And if he did, he didn't mean that.
    And if he did, you didn't understand it.
    And if you did, it's not a big deal.
    And if it is, others have said worse."

  3. I don't think his nominal true believers actually believe Trump at this point. They are just cynically dismissing the value of truth.


  4. Oh... I think they are swallowing the whole... "I was trying to investigate and end corruption motive." just fine...

    Even though he was hooking these people up with his personal lawyer... Not the FBI or Justice department...

    By the way, I still love Mitt Romney's excellent character and wish we would have elected him in 2012... Then we would never have had Trump.:-)

  5. Many people just pick a team and don't care about facts anymore. I'd like to think on the left people wouldn't support a chronic liar and would find someone else to support. I think news sources on the left in general still report stories with a high level of fact accuracy.

  6. Personally I like the saying "Trust bu Verify"...

    Remember all the times your source Kevin Drum Cherry Picks Data to make his opinion seem correct?

    He is using data and facts... But he is just using the data and facts he likes...

    But I do agree with you that some of the Far Right Opinion folks do not even bother with facts...

  7. I think Drum accurately reports data whatever it shows and is not a cherry picker to make a point. so we can just disagree about that.

  8. Well send me another link and I will review. :-)

  9. Please remember that he writes for his audience.

    He wants them to read often and forward regularly.

    What would incentivize him to tell the whole story?
