Thursday, December 12, 2019

GOP Against Personal Freedoms?

VOX There’s a conservative civil war raging — over porn

That article reminds me why I depicted both the DEMs and GOP below the "Control" axis line.  While the DEMs want to control and regulate a lot of things, they certainly are not alone.  I am always amazed when I tell Conservatives / GOPers that they certainly ARE NOT the champions of small government and personal freedoms, and they say "yes we are"...

It seems to me that some of the GOP folks want to control a whole lot of our personal choices and actions.  Here is a short list of where they want intense government control in our personal lives:
  • between a doctor and a mother regarding what is best for the fetus she is carrying
  • what adults are allowed to film and share
  • what consenting adults are allowed to do to earn money
  • what adults can drink, smoke, etc
  • where and when adults can gamble
  • who an adult can love and marry
  • what sexual positions and methods are allowable
  • what religions / cultures are acceptable in the USA
  • etc

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