Friday, January 17, 2020

Oaths Do Not Matter to Some People

Senate Impeachment Oath:"I solemnly swear  that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of  Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God."

Senate Oath of Office: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

POTUS Oath of Office: I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Now it is pretty clearly understood that it is illegal to ask foreign powers for help in an American election, or to accept help from foreign powers...  And Trump has clearly asked for help from Russia (2016), Ukraine (2018 /2019) and China (2019).

This all seems pretty obvious, so I am more curious as to how the Senators who are against getting to the bottom of what really happen are able to sleep at night...  Now I can understand the politics of all this and that they like their jobs.

However if "I swear before God" that I will do "impartial justice", you had better believe that I will want "the whole truth and nothing but the truth".  Only then could I do impartial justice...

Can you imagine McConnel and Graham standing at the pearly gates trying to rationalize their behaviors and comments?  St Peter says "you made this oath here in 2020 and then tried to prevent witnesses from divulging facts", how do you rationalize this?
  • Well Trump would have made fun of me on twitter if I had done otherwise.
  • Well my voters would have not have voted for me in the future.
  • Well Trump was doing some good things, so it was okay that he was breaking the law. 
Of course, then St Peter is going to send them directly to hell to think of their breaking of their oath...  So the story has a happy ending.... :-)


  1. more about people unwilling to stand up to Trump and do the right thing:

    There are no heroes in the Trump administration

  2. Unfortunately I must have used up my free views. :-(

    However I can pretty well guess what was said.

    I mean I don't even need a hero...

    I just need people to honor their oaths to the USA.

    The idea that Trump's staff (our hired civil servants) may escape testifying under oath is simply sickening.

    Are the Trump supporters so certain that he is guilty that they are happy supporting a government cover up. I mean if this was any other politician they would have been the one's demanding transparency.

  3. Let's use Jerry as an example since he is apparently still around.

    If this accusation was aimed at Obama by the GOPers he would have been the first in line to yell COVER UP and demand testimony.

    Just think of all the complaining he did with regard to Hillary, Benghazi, Obama, etc...

    I mean the GOPers are doing that even now regard to Joe and Hunter Biden. They want testimony under oath for something that likely did not violate any laws.

    Are they going to be that excited and passionate to look into how all of Trump's kids are benefitting from being related to him?

  4. I am more curious as to how the Senators who are against getting to the bottom of what really happen are able to sleep at night...

    A lot of them are elected by single issue voters, which by definition means that only one issue matters. In Trump's case that issue has nothing to do whether he committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Trump will be gone in one or five years, but the judges he is putting on the court will govern this country forever. Is integrity really too high a price to pay for that?


  5. Well if you truly are a Christian and believe in Heaven / Hell, I would think so.

    I mean they are making a promise on a Bible, I am thinking that breaking that is an instant one way pass to the land of fire and brimstone...

    Unless they can somehow rationalize that God is forgiving...

  6. Well if you truly are a Christian and believe in Heaven / Hell, I would think so.

    Lots of people believe one issue outweighs all others. Presumably the way people act with respect to that issue is what determines one's ultimate destination. I find the logic of that compelling, one of many reasons I am not a big fan of logic.

    I listen to a conservative religious radio station a lot. They affect nonpartisanship but it's pretty clear where they stand. They often plead for "unity" which in this case means setting aside any secondary moral qualms in order to further their actions on the one issue that truly matters to them.


  7. "Unless they can somehow rationalize that God is forgiving..."

    My understanding of Christianity is forgiveness of sins is the central message. Maybe these GOP senators have nothing to worry about in the afterlife, although I would be nervous swearing a false oath. Maybe they just need to repent before they die.

    The UU philosophy (as much as there is one) is there is no hell (that comes from the universalists side of the religion.)


  8. I mean they are making a promise on a Bible,

    Is keeping a promise on a Bible a sufficient excuse for being complicit in murder? If you accept the underlying premises, I would say that is a painful choice, but not a tough choice. Such are the perils of logic.


  9. Hiram,
    That was a very strange leap of "logic"...

    "keeping a promise on a Bible a sufficient excuse for being complicit in murder?"

    Please elaborate.


  10. "keeping a promise on a Bible a sufficient excuse for being complicit in murder?"

    Sure. Keeping an oath would undermine confirming Republican judges.


  11. Let me paraphrase then...

    "Keeping Trump in office saves the lives of the unborn babes, therefore it is okay to violate the oath."

    That is truly a challenging dilemma...
