Saturday, January 4, 2020

Wolves, Sheep Dogs and Sheep

A FB friend posted this interesting romantic silly comparison from Ohio Cops FB
You may not like this, and I get it if you don’t. But I think it needs to be said.
I’ve watched the recent church shooting video and it’s sad...very very sad. It hurts my heart. But it also reinforces the reality that there are three types of people in the world.
There are the wolves. The wolf is the person who opened fire during the communion service, killing two people and intending to kill many more.
Wolves are evil.  All of them.Wolves have no conscious. Wolves are violent.
Wolves are predators who prey on the second type of person....the sheep. 
The sheep are the people stalked by the wolves. They obliviously go about their day unaware that there are wolves eyeing them, waiting for a chance to pounce. Some sheep pretend that they can “coexist” with the wolves. That wolves just need a little love....a hug. Maybe it’s even their fault that the wolf is a wolf. Other sheep know that wolves are around. They know that wolves are dangerous. But they hope the wolf will leave them alone. You see the sheep diving under the pews in the video when the wolf suddenly bares his fangs. 
The third type of person are the sheep dogs. The sheep dogs protect the peaceful but helpless sheep from the wolves. Sheep dogs are acutely aware of the danger wolves pose. They see the wolves eying the sheep, and they keep a watch out for them. Sometimes they get into trouble for being suspicious that a wolf might be hiding in sheep’s clothing. But, when the wolf suddenly appears, the sheep dog jumps and stands between the wolf and the sheep. You see the sheep dogs in the video as well. One of them stepped between the sheep and the wolf and was tragically killed by the angry wolf. Another sheep dog stepped in and eliminated the wolf within seconds. Then you see a whole pack of sheep dogs approach the dead wolf as the sheep scatter and hide. 
Amazingly, once it was all over, sheep from other pastures started criticizing the laws which allowed the sheep dogs to even be there to protect the sheep. They blamed the sheep dogs, for the wolf. 
Let me be clear! Not everyone is a sheep dog! Not everyone has it in them. I AM NOT criticizing the people who dove for cover! What else could they do in the situation they found themselves in? They did exactly what they should have done, exactly what the sheep dogs needed them to do which was to get out of the way and allow the sheep dogs to do what sheep dogs do....kill the wolf.
I of course had some comments and questions.
That was a very romanticized peace... And I am fine with conceal and carry. However the idea that armed Sheep Dogs are the solution is just silly as we learned in Las Vegas. 
In this case we had a screwed up mangy coyote with a shotgun... 
A serious logical prepared Wolf will have no problem killing the Sheep and Sheep Dogs. Those Sheep and Sheep Dogs could be you at a High School football game, People leaving the Church after service, etc. 
All the Wolf needs are AR15 style rifles, large clips, and something to hide behind.... Thankfully a lot of wolves are mentally unhealthy. 
Now for the big question, when we are handing out all the fangs and claws. (ie semi-automatic large clip weapons), how do we determine if the recipient is a Wolf or a Sheep Dog? See the link for my thoughts. 
Even the words are simplistic:
"Wolves are evil, have no conscious, are violent, are predators"...
"Sheep dogs protect, are acutely aware of the danger, dog jumps and stands between... " 
I personally have never thought about wolves as evil. They actually are excellent and useful predators. 
Now let's think about 2 men, both well armed and just living their lives...

  • How do we know which will be the Wolf and which will be the Sheep Dog? 
  • How do we know which will suffer a severe loss, maybe become psychotic, depressed, etc, and go postal?
  • What happens when a supposed Sheep Dog turns on the Sheep?
  • Does that mean he is now a Wolf?
The challenge is that everyone I know sees themselves as the "Good Guy" and can therefore justify their questionable actions... Strangely even these Wolves probably know their actions are justified.


  1. I just stay away from places where I might get shot. The Second Amendment at work.


  2. That's okay, I suppose, but it's other people who more often than not, end up paying the price for Republican policies.

  3. Now that has to be one of the silliest comments.

    To me it seems that "its other people who pay for any party's policies"...

    I mean that is the goal isn't it... At least I know it is for DEMs...

    "Elect me and I will tax "them" to get "you" free stuff.

  4. I have never understood how Republicans can think health care can be free.


  5. It is only the DEMs who think healthcare can be free...

    The GOPers think people should pay for their own healthcare...

  6. "It is only the DEMs who think healthcare can be free..."

    You mean the same DEMs who have plans to pay for it?

    "We can't afford it! We can't afford it!" they say, while starting wars for which there's seemingly no shortage of money.


  7. Robbing Peter to pay for Paul's health care is a plan...

    Likely not a good one...

    And it sure is NOT free.

  8. The reality is that it's the wealth of the middle class that has been stolen to pay for endless war and line the pockets of the uber-class.


  9. I think you need to study the numbers...

    1971 25% 2016 29%

    1971 14% 2016 19%

    So the number of Americans moving from middle class to upper is 5%

    And 4% moved from Middle to Lower...

  10. That doesn't address my comment.


  11. Well let's break it up and see if I can do better.

    "the wealth of the middle class that has been stolen to"

    - "pay for endless war"

    - "line the pockets of the uber-class"

    Please help me understand how the wealth is being "stolen"?
    I mean everbody's taxes are lower than in 2000...

    I can not disagree with endless war, maybe we should have just let the Taliban and Saddam Hussein stay in power. Not sure if that would have been our worse. But the reality is that the Middle Class and Rich are both paying for it since they are the one's who pay Income Taxes.

    I agree that tax cuts are helping every US tax payer to pay less and keep more. Unfortunately it is our children and grand children who will bear the cost.

    This likely why there are more upper class folks today than in the past.
