Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Manipulator in Chief

Fact Check: Trump Regarding Corona Virus USA Today
Folks make Virus Political FOX
Question Answered about COVID-19 VOX
Trump Should Focus on the Science VOX
Corona Virus CDC Site

It is really hard to believe anything that comes out of Trump's mouth after 3 years of lies, exaggerations, firing experts, etc. In this case, just remember that apparently:


  1. How Trump would handle a crisis has always been a question. He has been remarkably lucky up until now.


  2. An anti-Science moron responsible for an HIV outbreak while Governor of Indiana will be the gatekeeper for information (with its basis in Science) affecting the well-being of US Citizens.

    Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Let's hope the Scientists and Health Care workers aren't as inept and malfeasant as this Republican Administration. It's Reagan all over again.


  3. I saw a tweet from a Republican senator who also is a doctor saying that the president was doing all the right things, using his medical degree vouch for the president, essentially. I have to say that my thought when I read that was that during the impeachment proceedings, this was a guy who aggressively, fiercely even, shut himself off from and even managed to suppress information that was politically damaging for him to know. I had to wonder, was he doing the same thing here?


  4. That is the problem with lying and losing the trust of people...

  5. Something to keep in mind that Americans are better than their politicians. Even in the case, the fact that Americans preferred someone else is something we can take comfort in. We have a credibility gap, but that doesn't mean that gap can't be filled.


  6. Is this a good time to point out that over one-third of American jobs don't offer paid sick time and most of those jobs are in the service sector where they are in direct contact with people all day every day? And, those types of jobs are also the most likely not to offer health insurance to their employees?

  7. I wonder about the people who make frozen pizzas and chicken / cheese taquitos.

    Or if the freezing process kills the virus...

    What can I say... I like easy food... :-)
