Monday, April 6, 2020

Inspector General Fired

for fulfilling his legal Obligations.    Link 2

It is definitely a bad time for whistle blowers and our country.

And for Captains who care for the safety of their crew.

And for our tax dollars...

It is a sad time in our country when retaliation and refusal be transparent reign supreme. :-(

I am not as frustrated with Trump as I am with citizens who support these behaviors.  Especially since they would be up at arms if a DEM President pulled have of this stuff.


  1. Trump hasn't figured out that it isn't important that he have confidence in inspector generals. It's important that we, the American people. who employ him have confidence in inspector generals.


  2. Unfortunately there seem to be a lot of voters who are fine with Trump firing the unbiased referees. :-(

  3. I have had Republicans tell me, with apparent seriousness, that they are better off today than they were four years ago. Except for the face masks maybe.


  4. Until 6 weeks ago they probably were...

  5. Republican administrations have a curious way of ending in catastrophe.


  6. I am not sure if that is due to bad choices or bad luck.

  7. It's the risk we all take when we elect Republicans. They believe markets will solve your problems. Well, markets don't stop hurricanes or viruses, and they have a way of punishing those people most who don't even participate in them.


  8. Correction...

    They say they believe in markets...

    Then spend TRILLIONS on bailouts...

  9. And he's belittling a 3rd during the daily campaign rally, er, briefings.
