Saturday, May 9, 2020

An Absolute Chaotic Disaster


  1. Just in case people hadn't noticed, yesterday, the president demonstrated that after all these months, all those press conferences, all that trip to the CDC where the assembled scientists marveled at his scientific insight, he knew nothing of the role testing plays in addressing a pandemic.


  2. The president issued about 80 tweets yesterday before noon. This stunned me. I could not have physically done that, and that's true even though I did not have a meeting that morning scheduled with the Joint Chiefs.


  3. Trump definitely embodies the word chaos...

    He is trying as hard as he can to "avoid COVID 19" as thousands of citizens die daily.

    Distraction and pointing elsewhere has worked for him before. Maybe not this time.

  4. You are right. Obama was always very clear in his communication.

    Yet the other side of aisle managed to misinterpret nearly everything he said.

    Weird how that works.


  5. McConnell calling anyone classless is sadly humorous

    Being that he has used every shady political maneuver in the book to stall / stop negotiations and progress.
