Break the cycle: Five changes in Minnesota policing that can be enacted right now
Rarely do I get really frustrated with the media, politicians and social media, but this obsession with "Police Unions" are bad and they need to have less power by typically "Union Supporting Friggin Liberals" is DRIVING ME CRAZY !!!
These folks fight tooth and nail to support ED MN, block major school reforms and the removal of poor performing teachers. I mean the school system and policies are screwing up 1000's of kids at a time and here they are laser focused on the officers that have to deal with the mess our questionable parent(s), social service system and education system have give them.
Now I have avoided Minnpost for a LONG time due to their slow and questionable moderation... But I am trying again.
Rarely do I get really frustrated with the media, politicians and social media, but this obsession with "Police Unions" are bad and they need to have less power by typically "Union Supporting Friggin Liberals" is DRIVING ME CRAZY !!!
These folks fight tooth and nail to support ED MN, block major school reforms and the removal of poor performing teachers. I mean the school system and policies are screwing up 1000's of kids at a time and here they are laser focused on the officers that have to deal with the mess our questionable parent(s), social service system and education system have give them.
Now I have avoided Minnpost for a LONG time due to their slow and questionable moderation... But I am trying again.
"It’s pretty clear Boss Kroll’s removal is a necessary (but not sufficient) component of reform. The awful Kroll is a symptom of dysfunction, not the root cause. Just as Trump did not cause the degeneration of the Repub party and its supporters, he is merely a logical evolution of the movement.
Boss Kroll occupies an elective position, and his supporters apparently love his, um, “approach”. No decent copper apparently would dare challenging him, probably because they would lose and become force pariahs to boot.
Quite curious how “conservatives” despise public employee unions in general, but turn a blind eye to (reactionary?) police unions in particular…" BKAnd the comments I left.
Okay, I have to ask since BK brought up the topic. As you know, I am happy to weaken public employee unions in America and let the elected officials (Mayor/ School Board) and their hired Administrators (Superintendent/ Police Chief) make big changes in the system and staffing.
I mean we give the elected and hired bosses goals and a budget and then tie their hands with union rules. Not sure that makes sense when 50% of kids are being left behind and that leads to some very bad consequences.
Are the normal Union supporters willing to stop protecting questionable personnel across the board? Maybe even change compensation systems to reward people who take the most challenging positions and exceed expectations?
Or do they deem Union Employee choices as “bad” in one case and “good” in another?
The second question is should we encourage rethinking licensing requirements, employee reviews, alternative licensing paths, etc for all “public employee” positions? And if a Teacher has questionable performance results, should we have their performance graded by an independent committee? My point is that questionable cops harm the community, but so do other questionable Union employees.
Then there is the big question that no one seems to be discussing… What should society do to hold parent(s) accountable to ensure their kids are ready for kindergarten, supported in K-12, etc? Or do we accept their right to have kids with no accountability for how they are raised?
I have no problem with police unions. I have no problem with leaders of police unions standing up for their members. I don't know how people who support unions in general, as I do, could reasonably oppose to police unions.
I assume it is like most things, unions seem like a nice ideal until people have their flaws impact them directly.
ReplyDeleteAnd the excessive costs caused by unions are usually spread across tax payers like peanut butter, so those are easier to ignore.
However when people are exposed to expensive and questionable / negligent employees, it becomes more real to them.
When Scott Walker went after public sector unions in Wisconsin, he conveniently left Police unions out of the equation. I'm fully on board with unions adapting to sort out the bad eggs rather than protectionism first, but that's gotta be a movement for all with no exceptions.
ReplyDeleteAt last a topic worthy of discussion. The question really is, "if you ran the zoo." You could get rid of the union (theoretically), but what do you do THEN? This officer had 19 former complaints about being, we assume, "badge-heavy." Should he have been on the force at all? If those were bogus beefs (this one obviously was not), was he properly defended by the union or by "management," or was he criticized for doing his job, as these leftist officials often do? We even have some in government calling to abolish the police force! WHAT would you change for the better?
ReplyDeleteI agree...
Don't tell me that now you want to protect officers from their elected officials?
You are as bad as the Liberals...
As for Defund the Police... Yes there are crazy people all over... :-(
The fact that I don't like what someone says isn't a reason for them not to say it.
Well the MinnPost Moderators are as difficult as ever...
ReplyDeleteMy comments made it for a few hours and now they are gone.
Maybe I should stop writing them checks each year... :-)
Well the MinnPost Moderators are as difficult / biased as ever...
ReplyDeleteMy comments made it for a few hours and now they are gone.
Maybe I should stop writing them checks each year... :-)
I think your comments have become less objectionable in general, but this one brought up some of your more annoying talking points. If I was moderator I wouldn't remove it, though.
ReplyDeleteI sent them the following email. It will be interesting to see how or if they respond.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I asked they refused to give me their rationale for removal... :-(
"Frustrated with MinnPost
Good Day,
Just writing to express how frustrated I am with the MinnPost Comment Moderation.
I finally stopped commenting a year or so ago because the Moderation was delayed and it seemed my polite, challenging and professionally worded comments disappeared. (ie no swearing, no name calling, no personal attacks, etc)
So I decided to try again this week... My comments showed up for a few hours and then were removed. I am happy to support a truly unbiased news source that allows polite respectful comments from all views, however I will probably need to stop donating to MinnPost if something does not change.
Another option would be for you to help me understand how the comments violated the policy. I sometimes point my readers to your site we discuss the topic. Unfortunately I can not participate on your comment string or drive more discussion there.
"MinnPost reserves the right to remove postings that include the use of foul language, personal attacks or the use of language that may be libelous or interpreted as inciting hate or sexual harassment; however we are under no obligation to do so. User comments may be reviewed by moderators and may be included or excluded at our discretion."
Thanks and Have a Great Day !!! John Appelen