Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mary Trump Says


  1. Speaking of lost in his own delusional spin...

    ""Well, I think we are in a good place," Trump said. "I disagree with him. Dr. Fauci said don't wear masks, and now he says wear them."

    The president added that Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said "numerous things," including not to ban travel from China, which Trump announced at the end of January.

    "I didn't listen to my experts, and I banned China," he said. "We would have been in much worse shape."

    "So we've done a good job," he added. "In two, three, four weeks, by the time we next speak, I think we're going to be in very good shape."

  2. We knew all that when the electoral college elected him. Donald Trump is the least surprising president in history. What we see is what his supporters wanted. What they want four more years of.

