Friday, September 18, 2020

Mitch is Sleazy

and a  hypocrite for proposing that the Senate try to replace Justice Ginsburg before the election.  I hope there is a special hell for lying politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouth.  And for those that support that kind of behavior from our politicians.


  1. I hope this doesn't sound too tautological but the problem with single issue voters, is that they don't care about anything besides the single issue. They don't care about honesty, or dececncy. They donn't care about fairness. They don't care if the president of the United States is in the pay of Russia. When they address any of those issues, it isn't with an intent to advance what they believe, because they don't care about any of those things. They care only about advancing their single issue.

    I have had single issue voters say to me, "How can you compare your concern about the 200,000 Americans who have lost their lives with my single issue?" Imagine.


  2. Yes they are very very frustrating...

    Especially the ProLife folks who will sell their soul to save a fetus, but won't lift a finger to help that baby once it is born.
