Friday, September 4, 2020

Why the Surprise?

 That Trump called people Losers and Suckers for being drafted and dying in the military?

We know that he called John McCain a dummy and insisted he was not a war hero.

Now we know that Trump has contempt for pretty much anyone who is different, fails, disagrees with him, etc.

Even the Military Times has covered Trump's insults before.

So the Trump supporters are struggling to support a draft dodger who makes a habit out insulting the people who sacrificed and served.  I am still puzzled why they keep doing it?


  1. Another non-surprise... Apparently he called Black people stupid also...

    I think a common theme is developing...

  2. Trump supporters knew they were electing a guy who would choose right wing judges. They weren't looking for patriotism or anything like that. They got what they wanted.


  3. Probably why few are defending him...

  4. It is why hardly any of them are criticizing Trump.

