Monday, November 30, 2020

Trumps New Income

 $150+ MIL from Losers and Suckers

I reported on this Trump Family SCAM previously.

On a related note, this idiot gave a similar organization $2.5 million and is suing to get it back.

And it looks like Junior is getting into the fund raising and profiting business.

Who would give these family money or services without cash up front?  I mean they have a long history of avoiding paying their financial commitmentsMost recently.

A little more regarding where the money of these Losers and Suckers is going... :-)

Trump reminds me a lot of the WC Fields character...  And yet many apparently still trust him. 


  1. Yes. It is amazing and disturbing how the Trump's have no problem with fraud.

  2. It is hard to imagine that people did not understand that Trump is a con man.


  3. I don't understand it either...

    How about all those dupes who signed up and paid for his school?

    As WC Fields said...

    "Whipsnade says that his grandfather Litvak's last words, spoken "just before they sprung the trap", were: "You can't cheat an honest man; never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump." The line expands on his character's comment to his daughter in the musical Poppy (1923): "Let me give you just one bit of fatherly advice: Never give a sucker an even break." (This is the title of a subsequent Fields film, made in 1941.) The character name is obviously a play on "larceny", a point which Fields reinforces at one point when someone calls him "Larceny Whipsnake"."
