Sunday, February 28, 2021

Noem Avoids #1 Death Rate Questions

on Face the Nation 

MARGARET BRENNAN: So that's why I'm asking about your state. They have not said yes. So for your state, you have, if you look at starting in July, which was after that spring peak, you have the highest death rate in cumulative COVID deaths per million in the country. The CDC says you have the eighth highest death rate per capita now. I'm not talking about infection rates. I know you're conservative and you care about the sanctity of life. So how can you justify making decisions that put the health of your constituents at risk?

GOV. NOEM: And those are questions that you should be asking every other governor in this country as well. 

Oh well, it is only dead South Dakotans...  And she has a Presidential run to think about

1 comment:

  1. Republicans do talk a lot about the right to life, but they are also willing to risk someone else dying in order to keep the bars open. It's one of the things that makes Republicans strange to me.

