Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Far Right Retractions

Newsmax Issues Retraction And Apology To Dominion Employee Over Election Stories

After legal threat, Fox airs news package debunking election fraud claims made by its own hosts

I have to wonder how many GOPers still think the election was rigged?

Even as the Far Right's "news" sources continue to retract their claims...


  1. Do you have any idea how many ways there are to cheat at elections WITHOUT tampering with the machines? And without even any real "voter fraud"? Take a look at the rabid, shrieking, Democrat efforts to stop a simple recount in Maricopa County, and ask "why?"

  2. Take a look at the rabid, shrieking, Democrat efforts to stop a simple recount in Maricopa County, and ask "why?"

    The votes in Maricopa are not being "recounted". They are being sifted through by a Republican company whose interest is to find computer fraud. I am sure that if people work hard enough and long enough, and if it's in their financial interest to do it, they will find "unanswered questions" which can be used to undermine the credibility of our elections.

    Biden won the election by 7 million votes. As someone who has been involved in recounts, I can tell you that moving totals by even a vote or two is a massive undertaking. The way we count votes is incredibly reliable, a lesson Minnesota Republicans have learned at considerable financial cost. I rabidly shriek about some things of course, but not about elections my guy won by 7 million elections. There, the proper attitude is to stay cool, calm, and collected, letting the overwhleming numbers speak for themselve. I leave the rabid shrieking, in this case, to Giuliani.


  3. It is a curious difference between the two parties that Republicans seem to believe that elections they lose are not legitimate. A corrollary of that is that Republicans do not feel elected officials of the other party don't represent them. These are things that are contrary to what I learned in high school civics (a long time ago), but seem to have emerged in recent years. My own pet theory for that is that Republicans believe that political authority comes from God and that God is a Republican.


  4. AZ is an interesting story

    A judge who has since stepped aside from the contentious case on Friday ordered the recount halted if Democrats posted a $1 million bond, which the party declined to do. He also ordered the Senate and private election auditors to follow state law on voter and ballot secrecy and for Cyber Ninjas to produce its recount policies and procedures in court.

    Cyber Ninjas is a Florida firm with no election experience run by Doug Logan, who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate. His attorney is seeking to have its policies and procedures for protecting voter privacy kept secret, arguing that they are trade secrets.

    Martin plans to take testimony onthe company’s request to keep the material secret at a hearing Wednesday. He also said he plans to consider whether to again order the recount halted or renew the previous judge’s orders on ballot secrecy rules.

    He started Tuesday’s hearing by rejecting the Senate lawyers’ arguments that they are not required to follow state elections law outlining how voters’ constitutional rights are protected.

    “The Arizona Senate has the constitutional authority to conduct the audit as part of its legislative function,” Martin said. “However, the manner in which that audit is conducted must be balanced against the constitutional rights of the voters in Maricopa County, including the rights to secrecy and confidentiality of information.”

  5. You know it is bad when the GOP lawyer thinks they can ignore the laws.

  6. So, which of the AZ recount procedures are you going to blame for Democrat recalcitrance? Is it the scanning to determine whether mail-in ballots had creases in them, from being mailed? Or whether the ballots had been marked by the human hand or a machine?

    Hiram, Biden "won" by 7 million votes, but in just six "battleground" states, enough to change the outcome, the number of likely fraudulent votes exceeded Biden's margin of victory by 24 times. You cannot claim he won until you can prove that there were no voting irregularities. From the way Democrats are fighting in Maricopa County, they must KNOW that they cheated on a massive scale.

  7. That is up to the courts to resolve. And they are working on it.

  8. No one in history that I can recall can authoritatively guarantee there were no voting irregilarities. Nor has such a guarantee ever been required for elections to be regarded as legitimate.

    I have no problem with recounts. The votes of Maricopa County have been recounted several times, always with the same result. Is what is happening in Maricopa County now another recount?


  9. What I do have a problem with is statisttical models or anything juxtaposed with the word "algorithm". A lot of criticism I heard of the last election was that voters weren't behaving the way the models predicted. We heard the same sort of comments about pandemic models. The argument seemed to be that because the actual outcomes didn't not comport with the models, the outcomes must be wrong. Or for that matter, the models must be wrong. The first can't be true, and the second doesn't have to be true.


  10. Now apply that good thinking to the CLIMATE models.

    And you don't have to compare the election results with models, you can compare them with themselves, or with past elections. For example, in one precinct the total number of ballots counted was about 450, but the official tally showed about 1200 cast, 3:1 Biden. Possible?

  11. For example, in one precinct the total number of ballots counted was about 450, but the official tally showed about 1200 cast, 3:1 Biden. Possible?

    Do you have a source for that? The problem with these sort of anecdotal reports is that either don't exist or they have a very deflating rational explanation.

    Models of complicated things will always have complicated results. Like logic, that don't add information, they help to explain information or to provide clarity, at least when they work. The fact is, while I can model quite well the behavior of a roulette wheel, nobody can predict the future which is why Las Vegas stays in business.


  12. The problem with "deflating rational explanation" is the great effort (Democrats only, for some reason) make to NOT offer that explanation, and to howl at the moon when someone attempts to verify (by recount) that the report was NOT true. The only possible reason for that fight is to cover up the fact that they KNOW they cheated and do not want anybody knowing how, or by how much. Unless you have a rational explanation otherwise?

  13. In my little place in the world, I am know as a critic of polls. While I do think polls have their place, I think we don't have a proper understanding of what they do and what their limitations are. Among other thing, polling is based on assumptions of how people act derived from prior polling. This works fine as long as the situation is stable, but this creates an irony. When the situation is stable, we don't really need polling because we know things will stay pretty much the same. When polling is most needed is in times of crisis, where the situation isn't stable, and the old assumptions are no longer valid. The last election was a case in point. We had never had an election during a time of pandemic before. The way we vote which had been changing gradually over the last several elections now was changing very suddenly. Barriers to voting were removed resulting in and unprecedentedly high turn out. The history could no longer counted to guide our polls. We learned things from that. We learned for one thing that in popular vote terms, Republicans aren't competitive in elections with large electoral turnout, something we suspected before. Something I, for one, didn't expect and was surprised to learn was that this high electoral nation Democratic turnout, did not necessarily translate into success at lower political levels.


  14. John, you are citing Democrats who do not want the vote count verified, to prove that it was accurate and above board as they say. Republicans would like to verify that, and might prove them them correct. If you do not mind?

    Oh, and Hiram, how about a "deflating rational explanation" for those many MN precincts where turnout was greater than 100%?

  15. The Republicans hired a firm with no experience and a political agenda to do the recount while apparently trying to violate state and federal laws.

    Imagine what you would be saying if the DEMs did this.

    I can not wait to see what the courts decide.

  16. "MN precincts where turnout was greater than 100%"

    Source please.

  17. Source: Official MN Secretary of State election results.

  18. Source 1

    "Second, dividing total votes by registered voters isn’t the best way to calculate voter turnout in Minnesota — because Minnesota, like some other states, allows voters to register to vote on Election Day. The registered voter figures are accurate as of 7 a.m. on Election Day, but don’t count anyone who register later in the day. And these same-day registrations can be significant.

    Wright County, for example, had 87,361 voters registered at 7 a.m., but another 7,091 registered same day — an 8.1 percent increase. Same-day voter registration stats aren’t available for Hennepin County in 2020, but in 2016 it had 76,638 same-day registrations, a 10.1 percent increase. If you divide total votes by the number of voters who were registered at the end of Election Day, instead of the beginning, you get figures closer to 80 percent than 90 percent.

    A more accurate way to calculate voter turnout in a state with same-day registration doesn’t look at voter registration at all. Instead, it divides total voters by the count of the population that’s eligible to vote.

    For example, Minnesota as a state had 3,264,926 votes in the 2020 election. That’s 91 percent of the 3,589,751 voters who were registered at 7 a.m. But experts estimate that Minnesota has 4,118,462 eligible voters, people who could have walked into the polls, registered and cast a ballot. As a percent of eligible voters, Minnesota’s turnout is currently 79.28 — a modern record, ahead of 78.77 percent in 2004. "

  19. "Imagine what you would be saying if the DEMs did this."-- John

    BUT THEY ALREADY DID! "It isn't who casts the ballots, but who COUNTS the ballots," and very often that's Democrats in official or semi-official positions. At best, you may argue they "looked the other way" when improper voting took place. There is simply too much evidence to ignore, which is why Democrats are scrambling like h**l to cover up Maricopa county. I'm still waiting for an explanation other than a massive coverup.

  20. Source 2

    The last chart is interesting. Black voter turnout is finally rising and it seems to concern you?

  21. So the DEMs hired an obviously biased and inexperienced non-certified auditing company to recount the votes in a manner that potentially violates the laws?

    I must have missed that.

    And remember that the Gov of AZ is GOP.

  22. No, the Dems have Dem election judges, Dem county auditors and city clerks, and government-paid contractors, many of which do NOT follow the law, and resent anyone suggesting that they do not. Thus they do not want anybody else actually examining the ballots. If this auditing company is biased and somehow corrupting the recount, then why are you not equally suspicious of the original count, being conducted (in many places) by 100% Democrats?

  23. Typical same-day registration runs to a bit under 10% of the in-person vote. But to same-day register you have to appear in person at the precinct. And in-person voting was way down in 2020. A detailed review shows that some same-day registrants were actually already registered, so should only count once. None of it explains precinct turnouts greater than 120% in a "down" year for in-person voting. Or why

    Oh, and black turnout? Not that I care, but maybe it can be explained by noting that Trump got most of the increase?

    Speaking of same-day registration, why should Minnesota be one of the three states that does not require provisional balloting?

  24. The GOP Governor blessed the results...
    Or maybe he is in on your conspiracy too?

    Of course you like most Trump True Believers care about the votes of minorities.

    They don't vote for folks like Trump and therefore you seek to silence their voices.

    It is very sad for me who was a life long Republican to see how far the party has fallen. :-(

  25. They don't vote for folks like Trump and therefore you seek to earn their votes.

    fixed it for ya.

    They don't vote for Republicans, having been deluded by Democrats for so long, so when they DO vote for "somebody like Trump" the Left (and you) simply lie and deny.

  26. The only thing delusional here is believing that Biden won the election fair and square. Except maybe that he is a "moderate." When a majority think Biden stole the election, we have a problem. fair and square?

  27. Jerry,
    Your source was from 11/12/20 before all the law suits.

    "Only 49% of the registered voters surveyed believe that President-elect Joe Biden won the election, according to a Scott Rasmussen and Just the News Daily poll. In addition, 39 percent believe that President Trump was actually the victor, with another 16% simply unsure."

    Now it is only the FOX loving Trump True Believers that deny reality.

  28. The reality is that on their current path, if Republicans control the House during a Presidential election cycle, they will refuse to certify a Democratic victory -- no matter how large the margin. The lesson they learned from 2020 was to purge the Raffenspergers, and do a better job of suppressing the vote.

  29. Maybe DEMs / Biden will do a good enough job that the future elections are not so close? :-)

    Probably not looking too good so far... :-)

  30. I guess "good enough job" will depend on how well they and their media sycophants can cover up the disaster that has characterized the Harris/Biden administration to date.

  31. Oh, sorry. That is my opinion. I'm curious as to how you can call it anything but.

  32. "I'm curious as to how you can call it anything but."

    Easy. By living in the real world.


  33. I am not saying Biden is great by any means.

    But he is certainly several steps up from Trump.

  34. Moose, I would love to live in your world, where everything is powered by unicorn farts and free food grows in pixie dust.

    "Several steps up from Trump"? Why? Just because there are no mean Tweets? The border is chaos, Spending is TFOC, We're demanding our kids be taught CRT and other crap, joblessness is rampant, foreign policy is MIA, and we want to guarantee Democrat election victories forever by federal legalization of the election theft we just witnessed. That is a disaster, by any other name.

  35. "Moose, I would love to live in your world, where everything is powered by unicorn farts and free food grows in pixie dust."

    I said the real world, with which you are not acquainted.


  36. OK, tell me about your world, where in the midst of border chaos, imminent war in the Middle East, inflation ramping up unchecked, and joblessness still a problem, "President" Joe Biden calls a "lid" at 3PM. I'm not sure I like your world very much.

  37. You really should cut back on listening to Tucker Carlson... :-)

    Do you think we should raise interest rates to slow inflation?

  38. Listening to whom? I think under a sensible economic system, where Congress is the only entity allowed to "coin money," interest rates would rise naturally when government spending and deficits became unreasonable-- the system used in Germany, for example, after the hyperinflation of the Wiemar Republic.

  39. You seemed okay with Trump keeping interest rates low while increasing deficits.

    In fact you praised him for it?

  40. Nah, he cut taxes and the economy grew, balance of trade was cut and we became energy independent. Trump didn't control interest rates, the FED does, and Congress controls deficits. I cannot praise either.

    Again, one approach would be to simply deny the Fed the authority to "print money" by buying up unsold Treasury bonds. Interest rates would rise rapidly to where Congress would be forced to curb the deficit spending.

  41. Your views are so delusional...

    I can not even see a GDP rate change in the data.

  42. Interesting, but was that the issue? Tax cuts did not alter GDP growth. Balance of trade and deficits aren't charted. Federal holdings of government debt isn't even suggested, and that is where the next crisis will come.

    And back to the subject, Explain how Trump got more votes in 2020 than in 2016, but lost to a guy who barely campaigned, yet got millions more votes than Obama ever got.

  43. Simple. Millions of people like me refused to elect a lying destructive narcissist.

  44. That math does not compute. Millions MORE voted for Trump. So they elected a senile, lying, corrupt Marxist dupe?

  45. Yep. We really disliked that lying destructive narcissist.

  46. Or else we were cheated out of a highly effective President, and tricked into replacing him with a brass-plated career fool.

  47. Now you do realize that Trump is going to score as one of the WORST Presidents in history by pragmatic data based measures?

    - Deficits
    - Jobs
    - Dead Americans
    - GDP
    - Unemployment
    - etc

    Pretty much the only thing he accomplished was packing the court thanks to McConnell.

    And some improvements to NAFTA...

  48. If this were the Olympics, you would be the Russian judge. Maybe we should let somebody else do the ratings. Like me, for instance.

    Lot of jokes going around about Carter and Obama having to give up their "worst President" title to Biden. And that's just 4 months in.

  49. As I often ask... What did Trump really accomplish?

    Source 1

    Source 2
