Sunday, May 2, 2021

Qualified Immunity

Police Reform Deal is Close?

A friend and I were arguing how protected officers should be from law suits, and demanded that qualified immunity be ended for officers.  He seemingly wanted them open to suits whenever anything went wrong.  I explained that almost all American workers are protected from law suits by our employers, government and corporate law.  Besides who in their right mind will waste their money suing a person when much deeper pockets are available.

I can't even imagine what would happen if every individual office had to buy the equivalent of "malpractice insurance"? 😯 

He then accused me of wanting to protect bad police officers. Of course, I had to remind him that it was his "Team Liberal" that supports public employee unions and their on going protection of poor / incompetent employees.  I am happy to allow managers fire any questionable employee.

"“How do we change the culture of policing?” Scott said on Sunday. “I think we do that by making the employer responsible for the actions of the employee. We do that with doctors. We do that with lawyers. We do that in most all of our industries. If we do that in law enforcement, the employer will change the culture. As opposed to having one officer change or not change, we’ll have all officers transforming because the departments are taking on more of that burden.” Scott added that his proposal went over well with the family members of victims of police brutality he met with last week."

WAPO QI Cartoon

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