Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Clinton Spying on Trump?

 It seems Trump and FOX are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Here is further discussion.  Here is the actual 13 Page Filing.

This seems like a little smoke and no fire so far...  I sure hope this terrible waste of tax payer money ends sooner than later.  It is making the Mueller investigation look SHORT...  Though I am certain the GOPers will insist on spending more time and money chasing them witches...

Maybe it will be worth discussing if Durham ever finds something significant and actually indicts someone...  Until then it is just politics in the USA as always.

I mean if investigations and prosecutor opinions proved guilt...  Trump would be in prison for life...


  1. To begin with, I think we should not think of spying in pejorative terms. Each campaign keeps track of the others, and maybe not enough Americans keep track of the campaigns. It's all a form of "spying" and there is nothing at all wrong with it.

    Politicians want to claim a right to secrecy, but let's always remember, they work for us. The history of America belongs to us. If we want to label the ownership of our history as a form of "spying", I say the more spying the better.


  2. I do agree that Politicians should be much more transparent than Trump and Clinton have been.

    I disagree that people should access secure information in an improper way to try to learn incriminating things.

  3. Politicians should never be allowed to conceal information from their constituents because they have put it in some sort of entity that they label "secure".


  4. There may be a few cases... But they should be very very very rare...

  5. I think the nuclear codes should be protected by executive privilege.

