Wednesday, February 2, 2022

COVID Deaths Nearing Peak

 and ~95% of those dying are not vaccinated.  Truly a waste of perfectly good Americans.


  1. News from the CDC today that the unvaccinated are 97x more likely to die from COVID than those who are fully boosted.

    It's long since past time for people to get a clue.


  2. No one ever said fear or rebellion were logical / rational. :-O

    Walensky showed data from 25 US jurisdiction that report cases and deaths linked to vaccination status…Vaccination and booster doses substantially decrease the risk of death from COVID-19. Looking at the data from the weekend, December 4th, the number of average weekly deaths for those who were unvaccinated was 9.7 per hundred thousand people, but only 0.7 per hundred thousand people for those who were vaccinated. This means the risk of dying from COVID-19 was 14 times higher for people who were unvaccinated compared to those who received only a primary series. For those who were boosted, the average of weekly deaths was 0.1 per 100,000 people—meaning that unvaccinated individuals were 97 times more likely to die compared to those who were boosted."

  3. FYI, the RNC just resolved that violence is "legitimate political discourse".

    Can we now offically call them a terrorist organization?


  4. Mitch Romney must be SO DISPPOINTED with his niece...

    I assume she is not a Mormon...
