Friday, June 10, 2022

Jan 6 Denial :-(

Led by FOX News. And swallowed hook, line and sinker by the Trump cult members.

I truly wish I could understand how the Republican voters went from supporting ethical, religious and truthful people like Bush, McCain and Romney. To supporting a philandering, lying, self serving narcissist like Trump.

The truths are:

  • Trump lost by 7.5 million votes and 4 states.
  • Every state and the Congress approved the results.
  • Trump the sore loser still denies he lost.
  • And he puts his ego above the good of the country.
  • The result of his actions caused hundreds of police to be injured and our Capitol to be breached and occupied.
  • We as citizens should be appalled by this and interested in understanding the details of what happened.
  • And how we as a country will prevent it from happening again.

Unfortunately a sizable portion of our citizens are okay with sore losers denying the results and violent protestors storming our Capitol. Which is so sad and disappointing for this life long Republican.


  1. In politics, nostalgia always has a lot of fear. Many of us long for a former world, and we look for politicians who will return us to it. The themes Trump uses are universal and timeless. And unquestionably our leaders have failed us.


  2. I watched "The Deer Hunter" the other night. It was released in 1978, one of the few movies of that time that directly with the Vietnam War and it's aftermath. It's about decent, and courageous people whose lives are damaged and destroyed by inexplicable and random forces utterly beyond their control. If I were one of those people, why wouldn't I give Trump a try? If I were in a similar position in Germany in 1932, why wouldn't I give the Nazi's a try?


  3. As I told Jerry, even I gave Trump a try in hopes that he would rise to the position.

    Unfortunately he DID NOT... And yet his cult members still worship him.

  4. In one respect, the Trump phenomenon is very understandable. For decades now, Republicans have wanted to control the courts. The failure of their elected leaders to deliver that control is perhaps the most fundamental failure of politics in their view. Respectable political leaders felt it necessary to maintain a veneer of credibility over the process of choosing judges. Trump discarded that, and it was perhaps his most brilliant and successful maneuver. He promised to turn over the choice of federal judges to right wing Republicans figures, and he kept that promise. He delivered a Republicn supreme Court that will last for generations. Trump is a "monster" as Dowd put it today in the Times, but in exchange for political control for generations, wasn't Trump worth it?


  5. That was pretty much his only success.

  6. And maybe slowing migration from the South.
