Sunday, June 19, 2022

Trump Rethinks Jan 6th Commission

Participation. Really, now he thinks the GOP should have had representatives on the committee.  Maybe he finally remembered the old saying.  "If you do not have a seat at the table...  You may be what is on the menu."

Maybe Trump will get to have his say if they choose to indict him at some time.  I very much appreciated Bill Barr not cherry coating his statements.  Here is a video of it.

"And the statements were made very conclusory like this — these machines were designed to, you know, engage in fraud or something to that effect, but I didn't see any supporting information for it. And I was somewhat demoralized because I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff he has, you know, lost contact with — with it — he's become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff.

On the other hand, you know, when I went into this and would, you know, tell him how crazy some of these allegations were. There was never — there was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were. And my opinion then and my opinion now is that the election was not stolen by fraud and I haven't seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2,000 Mules movie."


  1. Republicans are represented by Cheney and Kinzinger. I think they are represented well.

    We should get away from this notion that legislators work for and represent their parties, instead of the people who live in their district.


  2. If Trump wants his say, he can testify under oath.


  3. Hiram,
    For better ore worse the parties seem pretty aligned to their extremist voters.

    Excellent idea.

  4. Let me put it this way. Lots of Democrats believe Trump wasn't born in the United States. But we would never for a moment consider nominating one of them for president.


  5. Next year, we will be hearing all about Hunter's laptop.


  6. Yes the GOPers will be wasting our tax dollars chasing all the conspiracy theories...

  7. It's the old saying, "If you aren't at the table, you may be on the menu."

