Sunday, October 2, 2022

Too Many Ads Too Little Time

 Thankfully I do not watch much broadcast television...  And I still have seen too many stupids TV ads...


  1. It gets hard every election year to reach voters. My own view is that election consultants are part scam artists, and as voters become more unreachable in every election cycle, the portion of scam in what they do increases.

    These days, the same cliches are repeated every election year. The other guy is far this or far that. The videos of the opposing candidate get more over exposed and grainier. Women candidates shriek more. Nothing is fresh, everyone seems to be going through the motions. I am a partisan guy so all that stuff is irrelevant to me. I vote for my guys no matter how hideous the other side claims they are. But is anyone not bored by this stuff? Is anyone not appalled at how repetitive and unimaginative the cliches are?


  2. The anti-Angie Craig ads are some of the worst...

    Not sure what that golf cart / money ad is about.

  3. The candidates are buying these ads, but I don't know if anyone is seeing them.


  4. Most of the bad ones are not being paid for the candidates.
